Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So then I was able to put in drops of blood and nasty black and white pictures and get rid of the Paisley patterns and bindweed round the edge of pages everywhere . ’
2 And that 's what they 're doing , they 're coming into peoples gardens and rushing down the sewers again , you know ?
3 Turn back the flaps , allow the moisture time to dry , then brush a mastic compound on to the roof boards and press down the flaps firmly .
4 The Committee for Education gave special attention to the question of college libraries and set up a working party in 1974 to advise on provision in colleges proposing to diversify their courses , and over the next three years it offered guidance on ways of assessing the quality of provision , emphasized the importance of the standing of the head of the library service or resource centre , of consultation with the library in course development , and of initiating students into making effective use of the library and learning resources .
5 He packed away the picnic things and started up the engine .
6 Therefore it is true to say that , when a person stiffens the neck muscles and pulls back the head , not only is the body 's natural coordination being obstructed but it is also being prevented from returning to its natural state of ease and equilibrium .
7 They raid research labs and let out the animals , that sort of thing .
8 We will establish a proper career structure for research fellows and set up a Pay Review Body for academic and non-academic staff to halt the brain drain .
9 3Com Corp reached agreement to settle four consolidated class action lawsuits and set up a $9.85m fund .
10 Pete suggested that in a few days ' time he could take her out to the nearest big town on the coast , and there she could look for clothes in the department stores and check out the library for the addresses of any useful organisations or people to contact .
11 Hedges closed in on both sides , brushing the side mirrors and sending up a cloud of small white moths into the bracken scented air .
12 Party manners — Hewlett-Packard Co hosted all the COSE meetings and picked up the pizza tab ; Sun Microsystems Inc then threw a celebratory dinner for the COSE teams on April 16 , the night before the announcement : now it 's IBM Corp 's turn , unless Lou Gerstner decides to sit it out , pleading poverty .
13 Hewlett-Packard Co hosted all the COSE meetings and picked up the pizza tab .
14 Although they make a go of the cinema for a while , by showing desert pictures and pushing up the heat so that they can sell cool refreshments , their only aim is to get back to middle-class life , but with enough money to avoid any more ‘ petty , stupid problems . ’
15 Sometimes a single boulder bounds and clatters down the scree pile , echoing loudly , sometimes a larger mass breaks away , sometimes the scree itself shifts and readjusts itself in a prolonged rattling clatter — a noise rather like the sea swashing back over pebbles .
16 At one stage a dancer cracks out the rhythm to a delicious reel , and in another place Liam ‘ Hothouse ’ O'Maonlai plays some batty didgeridoo lines and sings along a bit .
17 Add chicken portions and cook over a high heat for a few mins on each side until brown .
18 You ask for a chair and four telephone directories and rig up an impromptu table near the only plug — and ask all your prospective clients to turn their heads around .
19 She put down her two shopping bags and picked up the shoe-polish .
20 As she watched him in silence he slid open one of his desk drawers and lifted out a sheaf of papers .
21 Tourist backpackers chattering in high tones ; theatre-/supper-goers gazing nervously at the cluster of dishevelled , ruby-faced lads who wave their cans and bawl out the rallying cry of ‘ 'Ere we go , ‘ ere we go ! ’ at alarming volume ; a comatose figure lying on the bucket seats and crying out an important but indecipherable message about some quite obvious connection betwixt Jesus and Aids ; in the corner a girl with dishevelled hair and a soiled James Dean T-shirt sprawled on the concrete and a man with bloodied chin mouthing profanities as he urinates against the wall .
22 Then he changed two fifty-pound notes and paid back the money that he owed .
23 The computer is very fast ; it can be set to scan the text of journal articles and print out the titles of all which use significant key words more than a stated number of times , and it can be set to tell us how many times Shakespeare used a particular expression , and in each case it can give the results quite astonishingly quickly .
24 It adopted resolutions supporting the UN efforts and setting up a mission to monitor human rights in Yugoslavia .
25 ‘ I am fully committed to implement the Panama Canal treaties and turn over the canal to Panama in the year 2000 …
26 Recession is the culprit : it has slashed tax receipts and driven up the cost of unemployment benefits .
27 At a time when Japanese cars were a joke , his faith and perseverance founded the Nissan dealerships and built up the business .
28 Glasses clash and cutlery clatters in the all-night cantinas where drunken revellers confuse the robot waiters and flee along the colonnades , their bills unpaid , their breath steaming in the thin and wintry air .
29 The system , automatically self-arming , clicked into frenzied activity , locating and cross-checking the radar sources and seeking out the placement of active missiles within an area of several square miles .
30 If records are stored in the next available position in the prime data area — the consecutive spill method — but a link field is provided from the home record or from the last synonym , this avoids unnecessary head movements and cuts down the search time required for the consecutive spill techniques .
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