Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [be] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 MANY City stockbrokers , advertising agencies and banking houses are paying substantial bonuses to their high-earning staff to beat the effects of a substantial increase in taxes in the wake of a possible Labour victory on April 9 .
2 Furthermore , the Schengen Treaty indicates matters on which the signatory states are to take common initiatives at the Community level , such as VAT harmonization , and it requires the development of common policies by its participants in areas such as visas for citizens of non-Member States of the EC — a matter which would be brought expressly into Community competence by the Maastricht Treaty under Article 100c , providing that ‘ the Council , acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament , shall determine the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of a visa when crossing the external borders of the Member States ’ .
3 SCOTTISH pound notes are saving hard-up guests a fortune at Asian weddings .
4 ANGRY Pakistan fans are taking English umpires for a ride .
5 FOUR car salesmen are claiming sexual discrimination after losing their jobs in a takeover by a company that boasted of its success in using saleswomen .
6 But until the problem of export licences is solved foreign auction houses will find it difficult to do business
7 Nevertheless , many agrochemical companies are undertaking extensive research programmes on biological control .
8 SCOTTISH football legislators are giving serious consideration to scrapping relegation this season and agreeing to set up a 14-club Premier Division next term as a temporary measure before returning to a top tier of ten teams in 1994-95 .
9 If garbage pickers were to become regular employees , the price of waste paper would rise by at least three times and it would not he worthwhile the company buying it .
10 The Federation of Small Businesses is asking local authorities to use the discretion available to them to offer rates relief to businesses found to be suffering hardship .
11 The aim of the neighbourhood studies was to obtain in-depth information , both linguistic and social , from a number of selected communities .
12 And credit card customers are paying huge fees of up to 30 per cent a year .
13 In this evolving climate , work redesign techniques are finding new expressions in new applications .
14 The function of nerve fibres is to transmit coded information from one place to the other .
15 ‘ We are naturally disappointed that the Court has upheld the Regulations , especially as it is already clear that the legal aid cuts are causing real hardship to a substantial number of people .
16 In this new study , Baur made considerable use of Hegel 's dialectical conception , finding the New Testament to reflect , not a homogeneous movement , but a conflict between an earlier , Petrine theology and a later , Pauline type , which the later New Testament documents were attempting dialectical movement in the development of the church and theology in subsequent ages .
17 Two Japanese car makers are developing electric-powered versions of their luxury models , designed for leasing to government officials .
18 United States climatologists are discussing preliminary evidence that sulphur dioxide — a major pollutant and contributor to acid rain — may be inducing localised cooling effects that are countering the warming influences of greenhouse gases .
19 But as I continued , it became apparent that the course planners were having increasing difficulty in getting each lesson on to one cylinder .
20 One survey showed that five European drug companies were charging Indian customers on average 350 per cent the European price of their products .
21 As readers from last week may recall , the clothing giants were taking legal steps against the Scottish grungers for an alleged infringement of copyright , ie the ‘ borrowing ’ of the C&A logo for a single sleeve .
22 The main advantage of the Laspeyres index is that the quantity weights are kept constant period after period : this means that the costs of constructing the index are kept low since new weights do not have to be estimated every period .
23 Rights issue worries were affecting British Airways after reports that it needs to fund expansion plans .
24 There were a number of special difficulties in the successful accomplishment of what was very delicate work and , all in all , the collector of aquatint books is getting full value for money , high though the price may be .
25 But a law review committee later said rape defendants were getting preferential treatment .
26 The predominant use is still for word-processing , but databases , spreadsheets , graphics , and specialist packages are assuming increasing importance in most Garden Departments .
27 But their commonest duty was to act as witnesses in charters ; , by the last two decades of the century , the royal household officials were excluding other lords from this task .
28 For instance , home owners are challenging local authorities ' proposed new contracts on the grounds that their terms are unfair .
29 When he addressed a conference of business leaders and academics in Budapest recently , Dr Ian Cunningham announced that too many western management consultants are offering quick fix answers to Hungary 's problems .
30 Such bar detectors are called resonant detectors .
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