Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Items are posted to the individual ledger accounts in the usual way but when the postings are complete the total is posted to the control account .
2 Control the nitrite levels in the same way as you did for ammonia and eventually you will reach a point where you will get a nil reading for both .
3 Phone cards have done a lot to alleviate the problem , but British Telecommunications Plc is required by its licence to maintain coin-operated public telephones as well , and the company reckons that smashing and entering of the cash boxes costs it £19m a year — and if you think that it 's all just casual vandalism , think again — the company told the Daily Mail that there was actually a man offering courses on the best ways of clawing open the boxes quickly and easily — he charged £80 for the course , and then took the best pupil out for a test run around the local boxes .
4 Exercise has not been included in this because too few people have a history of exercise attempts in the same way as they have diet attempts .
5 They sum up their view of the current state of research using predictive readability formulae in the following way : " Formulas do a job , but they leave a lot unexplained . "
6 Whereas the three unbreakable makes of 1930 were distributed by record shops in the usual way , you ordered your Durium records from your newsagent , so a pair of new hits were delivered through your letterbox once a week , like magazines ( you could also buy them over the counter , of course ) .
7 VHS hi-fi stereo sound , unlike VHS mono , is encoded at high speed along with the picture signals in the same way as Video 8 hi-fi , and hence has the same high standard of audio quality .
8 Under the present system , gains and losses arising from currency fluctuations are not always taken into account for tax purposes in the same way , or even at all .
9 The selection rules for Raman spectra are different , but parallel and perpendicular vibrations of symmetric tops may be distinguished by Raman band contours in the same way as described above for IR bands , although this may not be enough to allow us to assign symmetry species to all bands .
10 This liberal model was articulated by one of the basic education tutors in the following way : ‘ To see the look of joy on someone 's face when they pass , when they 've never passed anything else in their lives , is wonderful …
11 ( 3 ) Following the completion of the withdrawal of Soviet armed forces from the territory of the present GDR and Berlin , units of German armed forces assigned to military alliance structures in the same way as those in the rest of German territory may also be stationed in that part of Germany , but without nuclear weapon carriers .
12 The health service does not have a monopoly in cleaning , catering and laundry skills in the same way that it does in the skills required to treat sick people .
13 Porsche 's new suspension appeals in the same way .
14 Television not only gets its news stories in the same way as newspapers , it gets most of its feature stories from the very tabloids it is so fond of attacking .
15 The first potentially troublesome arrangement involved the nailing of the slates to timber battens in the conventional way , but these battens were first fixed to boarding or ‘ sarking ’ nailed to the top surfaces of the rafters .
16 Certain types of groups only have one way of viewing problems as the right way to look at problems you don if any of you have been in the R C P , Revolutionary Communist Party , you might find that 's a fairly similar sort of thing there 's a party line and dimensions of what constitutes it .
17 The arrival of new information is more likely to affect spot and futures prices in the same way ( so reducing basis risk ) if it arrives closer to delivery instead of further away .
18 Other companies found themselves over-borrowed and were encouraged by their bankers and shareholders to consider asset disposals as the simplest way to reduce debt .
19 The ProfitBoss treats union representatives in the same way as he treats any other person " with respect and with dignity .
20 Bank bills are traded in the money markets in the same way as trade bills , except that the rate of discount is different ( smaller ) and they are more marketable due to the much lesser risk of default .
21 To handle these matters , there is at Wilton a team which is as smart as any in the City of London , and operates in futures markets in the same way .
22 The marketer may take account of personality variables in the following way .
23 It occurred to me that my doctor was only employed to treat the symptoms of our health problems in the same way as our landlord was only treating the symptoms of the dampness .
24 This funding was dispersed by adding appropriate sums to the School Library Service allocations , where they were " spent " by schools submitting orders to their Divisional Library Resource Centres in the usual way .
25 As a result , much of her effort went to training mothers in the best ways to care for small children .
26 It was encouraging that the wives saw themselves as having an increasing role to play and it was equally encouraging that in many cases they saw training courses as the best way of acquiring new skills and knowledge .
27 A far better option is to treat the Wolf Riders in the same way as Goblin infantry Mobs — go for a fairly large unit , deploy in deep ranks , and include at least one worthy character .
28 The invoices may be processed through the cost accounts in the same way as that described below for materials invoices .
29 First , it can take a company through the magistrates courts in the normal way with the aim of securing a prosecution .
30 You should not approach all history books in the same way .
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