Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Another problem is that the YTM yield curve does not distinguish between the different payment patterns of low-coupon bonds and high-coupon bonds with the same maturity .
2 This is similar to the commonly observed phosphate-binding sites at helix termini in other proteins and , in particular , other repressor-operator complexes .
3 Dr Kinlen , who previously worked at Edinburgh University , has already found an excess of childhood leukaemia cases around military camps and new towns , which both feature large population movements .
4 Manufactures fire protection products for public utilities and industrial markets both in the UK and overseas .
5 Yorkshire , runners-up to Essex last year , also boast York 's World Student Games bronze medallist Steve Gookey , who has already won county and British University titles for 100 metres and 200 metres this season .
6 Their idea was to set up a cooperative to supply computer skills to voluntary groups and other co-ops , and to develop new software for the purpose .
7 So far , we have discussed futures contracts in general terms and have referred to contracts being defined in terms of ‘ goods ’ .
8 User attitudes to specific presentations and to the tape/slide method of instruction were also studied .
9 By experiment and observation , Hahnemann worked out the drug pictures of many remedies and laid down the principles whereby they were to be used — remedies and principles which are still as valid today as they were when Hahnemann first discovered them .
10 Political leaders were stunned by ITN pictures of starving inmates and beaten bodies .
11 Banks today are little more than expensive money shops with remote managers and fewer staff at the counters .
12 To some extent , this must be a reflection on the methodology which we adopted , concentrating as we did on interviewing key actors and observing the development , processing , and implementation of proposals rather than focusing on , for example , the teaching methods of individual teachers or the reading habits of individual pupils .
13 On the one hand , the Conservatives offer more choice , emphasis on traditional three Rs teaching methods in primary schools and giving power to the parents .
14 Nevertheless , we know even less about the inspection methods of these inspectors than we do of HMIs .
15 the difficulty quite frankly is that everybody wants to join the Study Groups on foreign affairs or economic policy and I am not at all sure that electorally these are the two most important .
16 It has its origin in the academic institution 's need to justify the endless multiplication of commentaries , from undergraduate essays to doctoral dissertations and scholarly articles .
17 Profit and loss accounts in foreign currencies and cash flows included in the cash flow statement are translated into sterling at average exchange rates for the year .
18 Britain cancelled a 1960 no-visa agreement in June and imposed entry visas for all Turks after more than 1,500 Turks flew to Britain and applied for political asylum .
19 However , a strong cup tradition backed up by five Monmouthshire titles in seven years and 18 Ben Francis Cup wins counted for nothing as Blaina struggled to find the consistency necessary to mount a successful promotion campaign .
20 The room was of similar size to the sweet storeroom next door , but whereas there was some order in the storeroom , here there was a chaotic mixture of bare buckram shapes , leghorn straws , untrimmed felts , bonnets , artificial flowers , and rows of silk and velvet ribbons of all colours and widths .
21 Give the accounting policies for leased assets if material .
22 Warehouse disciplines on such questions as house-keeping , stock stability , and systems operation have to be rigidly enforced .
23 From his new station he could see the three lakes — Loweswater , Crummock Water and Buttermere — lined up in the valley like three barges ready to be towed down to the shore ; he could see the bivouac huts of some woodmen and he spotted more than one flock coming down from the high pastures — but Mary chided him .
24 The ancient Chinese observed the fighting methods of certain animals and adapted them to form the basis of a martial arts system .
25 Some conjoint therapy sessions between primary sufferers and family members are helpful to show each side the true feelings of the other , the need to accept and work upon one 's own disease , and the need to separate in one 's mind the disease from the suffering individual .
26 Inside it had been converted to make a dozen study bedrooms with shared facilities and a self contained warden 's flat , painted a bland cream throughout and carpeted with the tough fibre matting that was a feature of all the student halls and houses .
27 Local disk caching , connection-oriented protocol support for access to NFS servers over low-speed links and RSA for increased security and authentication will be added to Solaris in 1993 .
28 The British Government , seeing that this practice clearly violated the spirit of the agreement on fishing quotas which gave some protection to the British fishing industry , passed the Merchant Shipping Act of 1988 restricting British registration of fishing vessels to British individuals and companies .
29 There is more variety and imagination than before and of course an opportunity to specify stricter flow and speed characteristics for these roads than when they were less differentiated .
30 He knew as he could come to me er he used to bring me lock keys of all sorts and er he could get the castings or the patterns or what it is like that and he knows I could fashion them to fit the lock and all that sort of thin and we were very
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