Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All 30 RAF personnel left at the base will go by Christmas .
2 Their dancing was highly dignified and best suited to aristocratic roles or , as he was to say later ( 1810 ) , ‘ those of noble birth , the only appropriate heroes and heroines fur ballets staged at the Paris Opera ’ .
3 Then the n words beginning at the source address are transferred to an area beginning at the destination address .
4 These are the questions which I sought to answer through my fieldwork which began in November , 1981 , as part of two research projects based at the University of York .
5 Are your accounting policies shown at the beginning of the notes to the accounts ?
6 A mix of short term policy oriented research and longer term projects aimed at the development of theory is pursued , which reflects the Centre 's intention to promote contacts between researchers and those more directly involved in policy and practice .
7 • Very apparent blood vessels appearing at the skin surface
8 As the monster rats charged at the girl , I aimed my wristband blazers and blasted large fiery holes in both of them .
9 Now the job is done by vast machines , which , with their great bulk and ponderous gait , resemble elephants travelling in reverse , the chute for the reject stalks hanging at the back like a canvas trunk .
10 The railway 's team crane , which was part of a demonstration goods train at the time , turned from game-keeper to poacher as it became derailed and had to be rescued by another crane .
11 Just as the rhymes , assonances and phrasal structures hover at the edge of identification , so the poem as a whole offers romantic glimpses of ‘ old unhappy far-off things ’ ( to cite Wordsworth ) , or ‘ magic casements opening on the foam/Of perilous seas , in faer y lan ds for l orn ’ ( to remember Keats ) .
12 However , the New York Times of July 12 , reporting on hitherto secret State Department cables provided at the request of the Senate foreign relations committee , found that they included no such clear warning on Glaspie 's part .
13 Today college friends congregated at the place in Lower High Street where Murray was attacked .
14 Too many club players look at a star man 's ‘ delayed action ’ position and try to copy it .
15 The Cuban exile forces landed at the Bay of Pigs ( 17 April 1961 ) , but no rising took place and Castro 's forces easily rounded up the invaders .
16 Carpets were thick underfoot and solid velvet curtains hung at the windows , parted just sufficiently to admit a little starlight .
17 Behind them a young man with a paint-flecked beard followed the designer about the set , twitching the hem of the velvet curtains hung at the window and rearranging the ornaments on the mantelpiece .
18 The row started when a bevy of movie stars appeared at the White House correspondents ' dinner on May 1st .
19 It is important that we do not hand to our successors decisions made at the end of a dying Parliament ; we should leave them to take the decisions in future .
20 These may be made from fencing stakes driven at an angle , the top of the first being windlassed back to the bottom of the second , and so on .
21 It is covered with jugs and pockets and several HVS routes start at a ledge one abseil down , of which Triongle ( 5c ) is typical .
22 Although many Carlists and Falangists naturally disliked the Unification , with their fighting men busy at the front there was little they could do to resist it , especially since they shared the general Nationalist respect for ‘ authority ’ .
23 So if you 're going to plan ahead , now , which I think is the only thing you can do in the circumstances … what I suggest is a with-profits endowment policy linked to a seven-year maturity date with yearly incrementals — optional , if you like , or you can build them in , it depends how optimistic you are about your career , ha ha — leaving a little bit of the schools fees to pay at the time , but there will be a big chunk taken out , that 's for sure … and do it off monthly standing orders of around … let's say … five hundred a month ?
24 Workshops at Ellesmere Port carry out the servicing , refuelling and washing of all P&O Roadtanks vehicles based at the depot and also at the massive Shell refinery at nearby Stanlow .
25 Because of the results of blood tests taken at the time of your accident , Len . ’
26 The force representatives agreed at the meeting at Leith Police Station that the hunt for the bomb maker should be co-ordinated by Det Supt Ron Coutts , the depute head of Grampian CID .
27 Scotland fans crowded at the entrance to Wembley threatening to lynch the Celtic keeper , and in an act of sad resignation , Haffey was forced to hide in a suburban house near the stadium .
28 Other hovercraft designers scoffed at the idea of the AP1-88 when is was first announced , saying that BHC had miscalculated its figures .
29 They arrived on Christmas Eve 1924 , proving that high-quality electrical test recordings existed at the end of 1924 , although it is not known that any of these survive today .
30 Following extensive refurbishment , which includes shop floor reorganisation , a new lighting system and distinctive new green shelving , St George 's Gallery Books reopened at the beginning of the summer .
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