Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The heron 's special neck vertebrae provides it with the speed to spear fish and donates to the neck a broken ‘ S ’ shape which is very dynamic .
2 Apart from the deepening and modification of the existing central window openings of each main gable to create garden access doors , the only other alterations to the external appearance were modifications to the existing very high classroom windows of the east and south elevations to reconcile them with the newly inserted upper floor and gallery .
3 With all the oscillation that was involved in that er shop stewards taking cases up , the shop stewards discussing it with the management , the management 's involvement , the management 's attitude becoming gradually , not weakened but er inured to the stewards ' fundamental logical claims on behalf of their members , made it easier you know , and progress was , was being noted that , and earnings were rising , earnings were rising .
4 In disregard of this fact , Winans engaged in a scheme with certain Wall Street financiers to provide them with the contents of the column prior to its publication .
5 The court proceedings provided us with a platform ; fines and suspended sentences conferred on us an aura of minor martyrdom …
6 I have been asked by Messrs Grant Thornton , our financial advisors , to write to Parish Priests to provide you with the information regarding Pay As You Earn regulations .
7 The industrial relations problems of the docks in the 1950s and 1960s could , in the eyes of many commentators , be ascribed to the institution of casual working and the ( ultimately successful ) attempts by the trade unions to replace it with a system of regular employment for dock labourers ( see Wilson , 1972 ) .
8 If Ferguson was in any way troubled by erroneous morning headlines linking him with a £3 million move to England , he showed no outward signs of discomfort .
9 IN a season of goalkeeping faux pas — namely the blunders of John Lukic and Bruce Grobbelaar in Europe — the weekend 's FA Cup ties surpassed themselves with a collection of laughable errors by lads in the No 1 jersey .
10 This charity , sponsored by all the water authorities , aims to bore wells in Third World countries to supply them with an uncontaminated source of water .
11 Shareware libraries provide you with a program on disk for a ‘ nominal ’ sum — they are providing the program for free , and charging only for the disk , duplicating and administration , all of which includes a small amount of profit , I suppose .
12 In turn , these companies depend on NDT Systems to supply them with the latest technology , spare parts support and repair services .
13 A law which came into force on March 1 required all yakuza groups to register themselves with the local authorities as criminal organizations , so that they could be better supervised ; in practice , most were reported to have re-formed themselves as limited companies instead .
14 From then on the pretty servant girls eyed him with a lustrous regret and redoubled their attentions .
15 His ecumenical spirit was such that when two Spanish vessels visited Sydney in 1793 he ‘ outdid himself in his sociable gestures , particularly toward our chaplain fathers approaching them with a kindness and humility and a simplicity that was truly evangelical ’ ( The Spanish at Port Jackson , Australian Documentary Facsimile Society , 1967 ) .
16 Good morning David , I 'm enclosing three pages of a fax which I have just received from Teagasc capital T E A G A S C which is self explanatory stop , I hope you can make it all out , comma , if not please come back to me , full stop , paragraph , it would be a help if you could get your shipping agents to provide us with the rates they would have charged paragraph , many thanks and best regards , Sam .
17 This does not tackle head on the various problems of priority raised above , but the principle of minimum coverage seems a very good starting point for a public librarian , allowing value judgements to concern themselves with the degree of provision attempted within the overall coverage .
18 Jean Moss got a pleasant surprise when , at the first class of the autumn session , her Melbourne class members presented her with a specially engraved glass candle-holder in celebration of her 25 years of Medau teaching .
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