Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In previous studies on the morphogenesis of colonic adenomas in FAP cases using a complete serial sectioning technique , we found that adenomas begin to develop in the proliferative compartment of the lower crypts in the form of atypical epithelial clusters , ‘ buds of ademoa ’ .
2 Souvenir hunters revived the centuries-old tradition after a huge tanker washed up on the rocks below East Prawle , Devon .
3 The middle notes last a little longer ( rose , neroli ) ; and the base notes have a profound influence on the blend .
4 The horns were still there , curled and chipped , the brown hair was coarse and stiff , and the flyridden eyesockets gave an uneasy impression of movement .
5 Recent experience of walking Long Distance Footpaths ( LDPs ) has led me to believe that there is a case for de-emphasising certain routes ( I understand that the RA currently recommends Duke of Edinburgh Award Groups to avoid the Three Peaks for example ) .
6 The scheme has made it clear to managers that the teaching contracts represent a substantial part of each hospital 's budget , and Dr Pearson says that most managers are now very anxious to work with the medical school to ensure a good service for the students .
7 The Cuban decision raised immediate fears in the USA that the 1980 officially sanctioned exodus of 125,000 Cubans [ see pp. 30474-75 ] might be repeated , and there were reports that the US navy was reviewing contingency plans to mount a naval blockade .
8 In 1971 Oleg Lyalin , a KGB officer working at the Russian trade mission in London , defected to MI6 and gave enough information about Russian espionage activities to justify the prime minister , Edward Heath , expelling an unprecedented 105 Russian diplomats from Britain .
9 Recognising his own inadequacy as a general , he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies .
10 Now Scottish Natural Heritage will pay crofters in an area north of Uig — the bird 's last stronghold on Skye — in an effort to re-establish traditional management of enclosed croft grasslands to provide a safe habitat for the corncrakes .
11 How schools set about developing the statutory orders in the context of whole — curriculum policies represents a significant challenge for leadership and , not the least in primary schools , the strategies adopted by headteachers .
12 Branch roads linked the main mining centres , enabling the lead , silver , iron and copper products of the interior to be brought to the coast for export across the Adriatic or , in the case of the Serbian and north Bosnian mines , to be transported to the Danube .
13 The national curriculum proposals form the first part of the Education Reform Bill , which also contains proposals in relation to open enrolments , financial delegation to schools , the establishment of grant maintained schools and various proposals for higher education .
14 Will Westerners find the old rhyme easier to learn than the equally , euphonious ‘ control ’ rhymes , since the Japanese have already learnt it ?
15 During January the federal banking authorities faced a renewed spate of failures among the 10,000 small banking institutions which conducted the bulk of America 's retail banking activity .
16 The list referred only briefly and somewhat obliquely to classroom practice , recommending ( but not defining ) : a stimulating and challenging learning environment ; flexible teaching strategies to meet the identified needs of individual pupils ; and specific practical help for individuals and small groups .
17 The Town Trail attempts to link the long history of Northampton and present you , the visitor , with a taste of the heritage which belongs to this handsome town . .
18 Multiples and variety chains have the following advantages and disadvantages :
19 Variety chains offer a wider range of products .
20 Wood Group Fire Protection products cover a wide range of fire protection and safety equipment .
21 In August 1858 , Nez Perce scouts accompanied the punitive expedition of General George Wright , who ruthlessly subdued the tribes of the upper Columbia , hanging prisoners on the spot .
22 Such a hypothesis attempts to describe a whole person , and not to separate certain aspects of an individual 's life for special attention .
23 Hope 's other building projects included an abortive scheme for a ‘ Christian watering-place so to speak ’ at Bedgebury , and a slightly more successful establishment at Sheen in Staffordshire , the other Beresford estate .
24 Will employers prefer the new graduates to the A level employees , and , where will the graduates with their already developed learning skills obtain their building surveyor education ?
25 " That would be the seneschal paused , watching one of the apprentice chefs dipping a long ladle into the cauldron the unfortunate attendant had just vacated .
26 Déchamps , whose first-round opponents included an official PCF candidate who finished fifth , had himself been PCF mayor from 1965 until March 1990 , but had then been expelled for " racist remarks " ( for which a Paris court fined him F10,000 — US$2,000 — on Jan. 23 ) .
27 Settlement policies have a complementary role , in that they affect the distribution of employment , services and housing within rural areas .
29 In Tasmania aborigine hunters led a nomadic life to take advantage of the seasonal food supply in different regions .
30 The records of attachment courts held every forty days in Pickering Forest in 1407 and 1408 show that the Forest townships were still bound to send the reeve and four men to attend them .
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