Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He liked to rub in her few months extra from time to time .
2 There is convincing evidence that a predisposition to alcoholism itself has a significant genetic component and therefore to examine the role of any genetic factors in predisposition to end-organ damage distinct from predisposition to alcoholism , any study should ideally include two groups of alcoholics , well matched for alcohol intake , with and without end-organ damage .
3 The Cut — 500 feet wide from shore to shore , 45 feet deep , illuminated at night by a blaze of red and white lights — is of a size to dwarf the vessels passing through it .
4 In a few short weeks the scoops had torn a channel twenty feet wide from end to end , ripping the backbone out of Adventurers ' Fen …
5 The cloud rolled effortlessly and relentlessly down the slopes of the volcano , spreading out into a broad fan which rapidly engulfed St Pierre , and in the next two or three minutes killed all but two of the population , and set the town ablaze from end to end .
6 The marriage is not finally dissolved until the decree is made absolute ; thus , transfers of property in the period between the decree nisi and the decree absolute from husband to wife incur no inheritance tax liability .
7 Cracks zig-zagged from floor to ceiling , chunks of plaster fell in spattering clouds from the walls and three more windows exploded inwards .
8 Those in Asia are two foot long from tip to tail .
9 Deeper down , though , the main mass cools down much more slowly , so that for weeks afterwards the core of the flow will be red hot , with the glow visible from time to time when small collapses take place .
10 He does not begin to describe what the effect was on Russia of by-passing the Reformation , the Counter-reformation and the Enlightenment ; instead , in an effort to be friendly , he mentions things Russian from time to time .
11 The sperm is about microns long from end to end .
12 This tiny hamlet , which has less than 100 inhabitants , was once a stopping-off-point on the pilgrim route and the church , though restored from a state of picturesque dilapidation early in this century , is still rough-and-ready twelfth-century , squat in shape and only about twenty yards long from doorway to apse .
13 At the other extreme , I suppose , one has those authors who create a landscape recognisable from book to book , regardless of the subject .
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