Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv prt] by the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In particular the attention of the court was drawn to clause 1 of the agreement which referred to the practice carried on by the parties as a " practice of general medical practitioners " .
2 The project follows on from research carried out by the investigators into the structure of Scottish rural society during early-modern times .
3 They set off down the lane , Elizabeth , Jonna and Jonadab going ahead on three heavy horses and the men and dogs following , slipping and skidding on the hard-packed snow trodden down by the shires .
4 The entire loft is a matted tangle of sticks and twigs brought in by the jackdaws over God knows how many centuries ; in parts it is many metres deep .
5 A typical short cut was the successful assumption that some indicators set up by the operators in the four machine windows were not random but girls ' names or four-letter dirty German words .
6 Those who authorise the dreadful deeds carried out by the torturers ( or whoever ) also share whatever proportion of this retrospective agony the deity — or his angelic cost-benefit-calculating representatives — deem they deserve .
7 Whereas the line item approach bears no relation at all to the activities of the police force it is possible to identify various functions carried out by the police and thereby determine suitable programmes .
8 It is already leading to a resumption or the land improvement work carried out by the crofters in the sixties , with the help of the College of Agriculture and the Crofters Commission , working closely together .
9 Superimposed on this map of things as they were , one sometimes finds the lines drawn in by the commissioners showing where they propose to create the new fields and hedges , and the new roads , public and private .
10 Other movements brought about by the pecs are shoulder flexion , which draws the arm forwards and upwards , and shoulder extension , which draws the arm down and forwards .
11 The corollary is obvious : a printing office employing women at low wages to do straight setting could dispense with a number of ordinary linesmen , keeping on only a highly skilled minority of men at rather above normal wages to " service " the type set up by the women .
12 ‘ In the majority of the villages occupied during the sieges of Newark , there are traces of the earthworks thrown up by the besiegers , most consisting of a few eroded banks or ditches . ’
13 Again from Criminal Statistics ( 1988 ) we see that there has been an increase in the number of offences cleared up by the police , between 1979 and 1988 of 27.3 per cent ( from 980,700 to 1,248,900 ) .
14 Two days earlier , acting on her own behalf and that of her children , the widow of Jean-Baptiste Lully , Madeleine Lambert , sold all the remaining books of Lully 's music to Jean Baptiste Christophe Ballard in accordance with a sentence handed down by the courts of Châtelet de Paris the previous day ( 16 July 1714 ) .
15 These occur twice a day and may not , under rules drawn up by the journalists themselves , be mentioned in print .
16 The radical programmes drawn up by the experts were severely qualified .
17 The perfumes and aromas exuded by their leaves and flowers on a warm sunny day give any garden a fourth dimension , and one of the charms of the Greek and Italian hillsides is the pungently aromatic fragrance given off by the herbs and shrubs .
18 It would clearly be far too expensive to repeat every investigation carried out by the police , to say nothing of delays .
19 Top West End antiques dealer Arthur Davidson — son-in-law of the late showbiz millionaire Leslie Grade — had his business closed down by the receivers .
20 A major new training initiative set up by the Women 's Unit and the Personnel Services Division could have a profound effect on women 's employment across Europe .
21 The plantation itself is close to a feeder stream that runs straight into the Cothi , as would acid taken in by the conifers .
22 They had been draped with canvas to protect them from the rain , and a watchman in wet buckram saluted civilly , then stepped back in haste to avoid the splashes thrown up by the hooves of the passing st'lyan .
23 These ratings of a specific meaning were made possible by a two-stage assessment procedure carried out by the members of the research team , rather than using self-rating questionnaire methods .
24 For its part , West Germany was unhappy about the restrictions that had been placed upon the economic development of much of its heavy industry by the International Ruhr Authority , an organisation set up by the Allies during their military occupation of Germany : the Schuman Plan offered a way to eliminate the Authority while still satisfying West Germany 's neighbours about its intentions .
25 The purpose of this note is to explain the changes brought about by the Courts and Legal Services Act to allow for multi-national partnerships i.e. partnerships in England and Wales between English ( or Welsh ) solicitors and foreign lawyers .
26 The changes brought about by the Companies Act 1989 , requiring only adequacy of treatment have , however , given the SRO 's more scope to map out what they consider suitable regulation within their own particular regulatory domain .
27 Others have highlighted the need for monitoring the changes brought about by the proposals ( Judge , 1989 ) .
28 For example , a term prohibiting making a back-up copy in a pre-1993 agreement will not be made invalid by reason of the changes brought about by the regulations even if the making of a back-up copy is deemed to be necessary to the lawful use of the program .
29 The celebration of this World Communications Day underlines the need for the Church to respond to the many unprecedented changes brought about by the communications media and their effects on modern living .
30 The extreme anti Jewish sentiments expressed in letters from soldiers at the Front , though evidently a small minority of the overall services ’ mail , also sometimes included direct references to Hitler 's stance on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , interpreting the war in classical Nazi fashion as a struggle brought about by the Jews and destined to end in their destruction .
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