Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the examples Couturier gives are of multiple discrete points of view carefully distinguished within the novels in question ( The Sound and the Fury , Pale Fire ) , whereas the mutable point of view employed in Verbivore is a technique developed out of the possibilities inherent in print , but moving toward the mutability of cybernetic text .
2 Pouf , man , you 've let yourself be scared by a figure plucked out of the clouds .
3 Nor did the general public have a very high regard of embalming , believing it to be another unnecessary luxury meted out to the corpses of the rich .
4 She watched it keenly through opera glasses from the third row of the empty stalls , and I do n't know how the poor actress carried on under the circumstances .
5 Willie carried on following the dots between the lines and then stopped .
6 In particular the attention of the court was drawn to clause 1 of the agreement which referred to the practice carried on by the parties as a " practice of general medical practitioners " .
7 A sampling programme carried out in the Coins and Medals Department in 1979 checked some 10,000 of the estimated 600,000 objects in the collections .
8 The project follows on from research carried out by the investigators into the structure of Scottish rural society during early-modern times .
9 They set off down the lane , Elizabeth , Jonna and Jonadab going ahead on three heavy horses and the men and dogs following , slipping and skidding on the hard-packed snow trodden down by the shires .
10 A study carried out in the mid-1980s in a South London day hospital and in local day centres examined the ordinary , everyday needs and specific treatment requirements of attenders .
11 Politicking carried on within the coalitions during both world wars and the financial crisis , but in a muted , coded and generally responsible way .
12 The captain has the responsibility of having the report of the shoot , the names of the people who entered , minutes of their AGM and the prizewinners written up in the records .
13 And before Fen could answer her question a dark bulk moved out of the shadows into their path .
14 The " full recovery plan " would set aside 5.4 million acres , at a cost of 32,000 jobs in the timber industry : an alternative drawn up on the instructions of Interior Secretary Manual Lujan would protect 2.8 million acres but result in the loss of 15,000 logging jobs .
15 She was frowning , deep lines appearing between her eyebrows , mouth drawn down at the edges so that instead of a classically good-looking slim English Rose in her late twenties , she looked faded , years older than her real age , and shrewish .
16 Ruth got into bed and sat there , knees drawn up under the covers .
17 Some kindly English Burma police were with us and whenever the boat tied up to the banks would slip ashore and bring back fruit for us .
18 The two black cars pulled out of the gates , round the corner , and were gone .
19 She listened to the stories of small triumphs brought back from the dances .
20 Elsewhere there are Breughels ; walls covered with Delft tiles ; a medieval belfry with 366 steps from which you can gaze down on the town 's steep , red tiled roofs ; holy blood brought back from the crusades .
21 The entire loft is a matted tangle of sticks and twigs brought in by the jackdaws over God knows how many centuries ; in parts it is many metres deep .
22 A typical short cut was the successful assumption that some indicators set up by the operators in the four machine windows were not random but girls ' names or four-letter dirty German words .
23 The time of Sigmar sees the Orcs and Goblins driven out of the lands west of the Worlds Edge Mountains .
24 The manor passed out of the hands of the Archbishop and into the hands of the Crown in 1545 .
25 The script , about a soldier taken out of the trenches not , as he fears , to be shot , but to organize an army concert party , is just a rudimentary framework within which to present a number of variety turns .
26 As soon as we arrived after our long pull from the valley , she would arrange to have the horse taken out of the shafts .
27 Following well-rehearsed dismounting drills , the riflemen poured out of the Warriors and in next to no time were providing their own fire support as the Warriors reversed away at high speed to give covering fire from positions where they would be less vulnerable to short-range anti-tank weapons .
28 She 'd lavished the new moisturiser on her face , outlined her mouth with a muted pink lipstick , and for the finishing touch gathered her hair into a loose knot on top of her head with a length of black velvet purchased along with the cosmetics .
29 Here , the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares may be used instead to the extent of the lesser of the company 's share premium account ( including any premium on the fresh issue ) and the amount of the premium on the original issue ( in which case the company 's share premium account will be reduced by a sum equal to the payment made out of the proceeds of the fresh issue ) ( s160(2) ) .
30 About 6,000 silk rosettes have to be made next , and these are stitched on the inside and outside of the garland before forty-eight red , white and blue ribbons with bells sewn on to the ends are attached .
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