Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [vb -s] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A second technique developed utilises the natural enrichment of the rare-earth elements in fluorite .
2 Each of the several other indicators used affects the total allocation per child by much less , with overall ranges of £12 to £18 .
3 The ticketholder of the first ticket drawn has the first choice of artwork .
4 c ) Information Technology There are now available in the UK computer programs ( for instance based on ACORN ) that ensure that , when sampling locations are chosen , the sample generated has the requisite variety in economic and social circumstances .
5 — the C. and A.G. satisfying himself that money spent has the proper authority ( s.1(1) ) .
6 The example tested has the two tank system .
7 As the number of species studied increases the simple classification into adaptive grades begins to break down as the variance within species and between species begins to exceed that between the categories described as grades .
8 In systems terms , there would also need to be mechanisms for taking control or corrective action based on defined measures of performance , related in this case to the effectiveness of education provision ( ie ensuring that the curriculum delivered meets the defined education requirements ) , and to the accurate provision of resources .
9 The cycle shown indicates the general trend ; it is not meant to exclude more complex patterns as products/businesses manage to boost the height or length of their life-cycle from a mature or declining stage )
10 Here we see an illustration of the almost universal law that the term Normal being taken to refer to a short period of time an increase in the amount demanded raises the normal supply price . [ … ]
11 The third reason cited attributes the higher proportion of dangerous lobon-gur mixtures found in Phase 2 unions to the fact that by reducing the prototype ‘ Ten Points to Remember ’ to ‘ Seven Points to Remember ’ ( mentioned in chapter 4 ) there was a reduced emphasis on the dangers of adding too much salt .
12 The range of objects tested covers the whole spectrum of datable materials found on archaeological sites but also encompasses more exotic items such as embroidered silk and carved ivory .
13 That any pricing system adopted recognises the budgetary context as indicated both by the size of DSS transfer and placement rates for 1993/94 but also the inflationary pressures inherent in the adoption of explicit ceilings to which prices may converge .
14 If the freeholder was an absentee the natural inference is that the property was tenanted and that the value shown represents the net rent , as indeed is made clear in several entries at Langley Marish , and implied by the uniform addition of the phrase ‘ per annum ’ throughout the three hundreds of Newport .
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