Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Enzymes are a form of protein made out of a very precise order of amino acids .
2 For the first since Burns Supper were held in the hall we had to cancel as two main speakers called off at a very late stage .
3 For the first since Burns Supper were held in the hall we had to cancel as two main speakers called off at a very late stage .
4 Meanwhile on May 29 the National Assembly approved an economic recovery plan drawn up by a newly appointed economic adviser , Alassane Ouattara , president of the West African Central Bank , in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank .
5 For example , individuals brought up in a truly Marxist society would presumably not regard themselves as the subjects of history , whereas those in bourgeois society believe that they are intentional agents .
6 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
7 Since one usually needs to measure emission from only a small area of the viewing field rather than the whole field , a fibre-optic probe inserted in the light path would probably be the best method , with the light-pipe output directed on to a highly sensitive photoelectric cell or photomultiplier , whose output would also have to be calibrated against some standard phosphor .
8 In the meantime , take two quarts of milk , and the yolks of four eggs beaten up with a little grated nutmeg .
9 Old victories are savoured ; ancient defeats glossed over , and the Party 's leaders held up to a not always affectionate scrutiny .
10 The parchment was merely a list drawn up in a clerkly hand describing the effects and property of one ‘ Patrick Seton Esquire ’ .
11 Other weights used larger canes spaced out in a more formal pattern .
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