Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] the same way " in BNC.

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1 MEMBERS of the Lloyd 's insurance market will have capital gains on their premium funds taxed in the same way as those of other corporate insurers the Chancellor said .
2 Use the scatter dice to determine the direction moved in the same way as for Goblin Fanatics .
3 Use the Scatter dice to establish the direction moved in the same way as for Goblin Fanatics .
4 One is bound up with the fact that we do indeed suppose that there is some set of types of circumstances , each type related in the same way to startings-to-work of the wipers .
5 They say that once having used miscue analysis , they internalise its approach , and never listen to a child read in the same way again .
6 When they were weighed in June they averaged 23.9kg compared with the 20.5kg of Bleu du Maine crosses managed in the same way .
7 All regiments are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his men and with identical characteristics .
8 All units are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his troops and with identical characteristics .
9 All regiments are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his men and with identical characteristics .
10 In a later study carried out with left-handers classified in the same way as before Warrington and Pratt ( 1973 ) calculated language to be lateralised to the left hemisphere in 26 patients , to the right hemisphere in 9 patients and uncertain or bilateral in 2 patients .
11 Fig. 6.24 superposes the deterioration of access frequency loaded 90/10 files as a result of loading additional records in random order , on to an 80/20 file loaded in the same way .
12 The constant narrowing down , redefinition and drawing of ever more refined distinctions lead to a position where the argument has no general significance at all : Greek society , defined in a particular way , represents the advantages of a form of literacy defined in the same way .
13 Local authorities must have their accounts vetted in the same way , but district auditors — appointed by central government — have additional functions .
14 Using the radiographic evidence , an experimental replica of the blade was made by a modern smith from eighteen laminated rods of twisted wrought iron welded in the same way .
15 Generally speaking , the law in California in this area developed in the same way as it did in England .
16 Finally , both groups progressed in the same way when they realised that a basic structure containing some predetermined questions was very important but that scope for flexibility and improvising questions was equally important .
17 VCPs are set apparently at random , and vehicles stopped in the same way , but there is a method in the madness .
18 ‘ We have to remark that there is no doubt that our present Medical Officer , whose experience is greater in the treatment of patients in modern hospitals than in union workhouses , would naturally like to have the sick treated in the same way as in a large hospital , but taking into consideration cases under treatment , which are mostly chronic , as well as the means at the disposal of the Guardians , we can not recommend any sweeping alterations .
19 Asserting that the true level of unemployment measured in the same way as it was in 1979 was four million out of work , he said : ‘ There are now only four and a half million people working in manufacturing industry in Britain , bringing us close to a new economic first — fewer people in work making things than we we will have out of work making nothing . ’
20 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
21 For some there were rigid routines repeated in the same way from one day to the next ; for others , routines were more flexible .
22 Were boys treated in the same way do you think ?
23 It is also helpful to know that he or she was by no means alone and that many others suffered in the same way .
24 seeds for flavouring a variety of dishes where spicy flavour is required , used whole or as a freshly-made powder , fresh leaves used in the same way , especially with Indian recipes , with salads , marinades , rice , and with bread
25 Craig and Wedderburn showed that while almost all industrial workers have to clock in , almost all managers do not have to do so ; while 90 per cent of workers had their pay reduced for lateness , none of the management employees suffered in the same way .
26 Reicher , for instance , distinguishes between a perception , which is individual and often ‘ openly partisan ’ , and an account , which consists of events described in the same way by two or more sources , and which can be tested against ‘ objective ’ indices , such as , film and photographs ’ ( Reicher 1984b : 190 ) .
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