Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] the long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In its shadow , in a square of orange brickwork part hidden by the long grass , stood a circular pool .
2 Her kiss at the cottage gate left my mind occupied during the long walk back to the farm .
3 The cat with yellow eyes crouched in the long grass in pursuit of a bird .
4 This he had learnt from Ann herself , who had forecast the sex of both babies by means of a golden ring suspended by the longest whisker of a white cat .
5 Such churches were , therefore , like the basilica , rectangular in plan , twice as long as wide and had two or four rows of columns set along the long axis , providing three or five aisles .
6 Added to these was another important element , for the period of the festival was a time of licence : this was a necessary outlet in the community for the tensions repressed after the long period of hard physical toil .
7 The ground floor consisted of stables , coach-houses , tackrooms and storehouses , while above , in addition to apartments occupied by unmarried male outdoor staff , was a room known as the Long Room .
8 The ‘ activity ’ is the name given to the longest unit , it relates to the mode in which the teacher and children are working at a particular point in the lesson .
9 It was obviously written as encouragement to the soldiers and families separated during the long years of the Second World War , but it seemed to express the yearning that so many young men must have felt when they were far from their families , desolate and frightened :
10 The victor settled in the long grass , wings outspread to show the four pairs of conspicuous circle ‘ eyes ’ , scenting the air to attract a female , and to warn off males .
11 A historical theory must validate itself against a future whose demand , ultimately , is the redemption of the democratic claim buried within the long struggles for and by ‘ the people ’
12 The short process of giving birth to a baby seemed to her a triviality compared to the long haul of rearing it that lay ahead .
13 There were seven people seated at the long table .
14 They warm them by pressing them against brood patches , areas of skin naked of feathers which a bird may develop specially for the breeding season or have permanently on its breast concealed by the long feathers growing around them .
15 Whereas they all currently specialise either in advanced academic credit-bearing courses of one or two years , or in short courses for groups who often have little or no contact with each other , Northern College 's founders hoped to combine long courses with ten-week courses so that students would benefit from having the continuity of learning associated with the long courses alongside the fresher experiences and perceptions of students on short courses .
16 Particularly significant changes are found for residues located on the long E helix ( Glu 204 and Phe 208 ) .
17 These regressions indicate that mortality is related to swings in unemployment levels , over and above the improvement in mortality related to the long term trend for disposable incomes to increase .
18 Admittedly , we on the ground were not the ones who put their lives in danger every night , but as far as the air crew were concerned it was a job they had volunteered to do and they did it willingly , believing that every effort counted in the long run .
19 At higher drug/DNA ratios the proportion of the decay represented by the longest species decreased and a third intermediate component was evident .
20 Since the revolution in 1989 , it has been revealed that not only was Romania passing on some of the Western secrets obtained in the long honeymoon with the West to Moscow , but that Ceauşescu 's brother , Ilie , the Deputy Defence Minister , was passing Soviet military secrets and technology to the Americans .
21 Once the immediate crisis of 1940 had been weathered and the country embarked upon the long haul of productive effort and austerity , groups like the ‘ 1941 Committee ’ pressed Britain 's war aims in terms of plans for the future .
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