Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
2 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
3 The variables which are most highly correlated with estimated risk are the subjective risk rating given at the same time ( r=0.512 ) and average traffic flow as recorded by Cambridgeshire County Council ( r=0.398 , see Appendix 1 ) .
4 The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease .
5 A recent prospective study of high grade gastric lymphoma found that survival was similar in patients who underwent complete , incomplete , or no surgical therapy before chemotherapy and that the prognostic factors predicting survival were similar to those in patients with nodal lymphoma treated with the same chemotherapy regimen .
6 Since the pomeshchiks depended on the same source — peasant produce — for their income , there was always a conflict of interest over the portion to be paid to the State .
7 Male workplaces are even more segregated ( 81 per cent of the husbands interviewed in the same survey in 1980 had no colleagues of the opposite sex doing the same type of work ) .
8 In another experiment reported in the same article , Kleiman observed the interference effects in a slightly different word-processing task .
9 The couple 's children , Simon , 12 , and Christopher , 8 , were found dead in Gomes 's Volvo car parked near the same housing estate five hours later .
10 Croydon cars already had cushioned seats of the highest standard on both decks and chromium plated handrails , so that they required less modification than the ex-L.C.C. cars rebuilt at the same time .
11 Even then opposing fans mixed on the same terraces without the ‘ taking of ends ’ .
12 An axon is enlarged at the tip and this presynaptic area contains vesicles made from the same material as the cell membrane , containing the neurotransmitters that are released in the synapse .
13 MEMBERS of the Lloyd 's insurance market will have capital gains on their premium funds taxed in the same way as those of other corporate insurers the Chancellor said .
14 The water car transferred at the same time was not numbered .
15 When Ivan III manoeuvred to undermine the security of monastic property — before most of his Western peers embarked on the same road — he found himself unable to do so .
16 This was the scene — musicians and dance floor posers drawn from the same pool , sex as a slippery transaction — that produced Marc Almond and Soft Cell in Leeds , Boy George , and the early , sleazy Duran Duran in Birmingham .
17 On 5 April , a set of fissures opened in the same place , and showers of incandescent fragments of lava were ejected .
18 In the study ( Levinger & Clark , 1961 ) emotional words were shown to produce higher fluctuations in galvanic skin response ( GSR ) than non-emotional ones , free-associates produced to these words were less likely to be subsequently recalled than associates of non-emotional words produced at the same time .
19 He said in a Radio France Internationale interview broadcast on the same day that he had won 62.7 per cent of votes in the March 1989 presidential elections and that his opponents were a minority .
20 We understand the meaning of words from their context , and in ordinary life the context includes not only other words used at the same time but the whole human or social situation in which the words are used .
21 My reason for calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is not its resemblance in some respect to other sensations called by the same name , but its mere resemblance to them .
22 What I mean by calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is its mere resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
23 The implication of this passage is that the words ‘ sensation of white ’ denote the sensation , but connote its resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
24 Israeli sources said a second Syrian MiG-23 landed at the same time in Egypt , near Alexandria .
25 In addition , complaints to electricity watchdog Offer in the first quarter of 1993 were down by 44pc compared with the same period of 1992 .
26 Even more gripping than this documentary feature is Apted 's fictional movie based on the same incident , Thunderheart , a tight , concentrated political drama which the director got off the ground thanks to the backing of Robert De Niro .
27 It was Louisa as much as the doctor who supervised the carrying of Emilia into the Hall , holding her cold hand , murmuring small phrases of consolation and encouragement as the improvised litter was lifted carefully up the stairs and the invalid laid in the same bed where she had passed her first night at Easterness .
28 Two other Iranians arrested at the same time by Greater Manchester police were released without charge yesterday .
29 Both our patients presented with symptoms and signs of heavy metal intoxication within six weeks of exposure to remedies administered by the same hakim .
30 Children who know the meaning of more or of both more and less are careful to distinguish them from each other and from nonsense words introduced in the same setting .
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