Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] us [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our full terms of reference and supplementary guidance given to us by the Secretary of State for Education and Science are contained in appendices 2 and 3 .
2 I got back to Ingard House a bit after four o'clock , and went up to rooms 207–8 , the offices allotted to us for the purposes of our audit .
3 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
4 He drinks the tea brought to us by the koko gravely , and makes exasperated noises .
5 I do n't think anyone will dispute that those are not offices suited to us in the nineties .
6 Our values are distorted by the power of advertising and the ideology fed to us via the mass media , they would claim .
7 A taxi-cab stopped alongside us at the traffic lights .
8 The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles , conundrums and endless interpretations .
9 The sound moved through us as the gunman 's shoulder and body jerked with the recoil of the rifle , the small boy 's face alert , fixated .
10 The wind and rain swept upon us as the ferry , our fellow passengers and all associations with warmth , comfort and civilisation disappeared into the greyness .
11 Educational integration therefore becomes a wider concept than social integration since it involves , among other things , how we use the knowledge given to us by the act of socialisation .
12 The rest come to us through the Northern Real Ale Agency , a wholesaler based in Newcastle .
13 A lorry rolled past us along the road , its crumbling body bright with painted pictures plastered over with dust .
14 As a consequence we are still constrained to conform to standards of behaviour expected of us by the group .
15 As we fix our gaze upon the Lord Jesus worship him , and reflect on his character brought before us in the Gospels , our faces will shine , as Moses ' did when he went in to seek the presence of the Lord .
16 They appear in the form of a pair of vermilion ‘ chops ’ on our family note-paper and on quite a number of original Chinese paintings inscribed to us by the artists .
17 This contact may take place in the intercourse of the classroom , the playground , the home and the outer world , or solely in the inner world of thought and feeling , through the personal records of action and experience known to us under the form of literature .
18 BA has never engaged in such a campaign and the allegations made against us to the contrary are totally untrue .
19 Let us give thanks for the example of love and compassion shown to us by the life of Jesus Christ .
20 A man talked to us about the Christian way of life .
21 MY WIFE and I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the heart-warming friendliness shown to us by the Liverpool citizens we met at the celebrations .
22 I had become engaged to Leading Seaman Arthur Saunders RNVR who was serving in HMS Reading , a fourstacker loaned to us under the lease-lend arrangements .
23 Mike Twite was one of eleven souls taken from us in the Varsity disaster of August 1984 .
24 ( 4 ) This Firm can pay the disbursements , as they arise , on the basis that the interest charges incurred by us on the expenditure on your behalf would be your responsibility , to be paid out of your damages before payment to you .
25 To see God 's love expressed to us in the prayers and giving of people far away is a great encouragement and blessing to us .
26 By day we went to school , and in the evenings our grandmother read to us from the Bible and Dr David Livingstone 's journal .
27 There 's still the statutory position with the occupational therapist of this department makes a recommendation to the er on the f on the proposals submitted to us by the district council but it 's purely a , a lowering of the mandatory limit , the discretionary limit remains the same and it remains to see how that will work in practice .
28 Our decision to give the assessors that responsibility reflects the views put to us during the consultation which persuaded us that they were best placed to undertake the work and to do the job well within the timetable allowed .
29 The receipts received by us on the consultation document about the directive show that the Contract Cleaning and Maintenance Association claims that some 40 per cent .
30 Now we were using a rather old radio set at the time called a TR9 that was not one of the better things that our radio and radar boffins produced for us in the early days of RT air-to-ground and vice-versa .
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