Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 It relates to the reasons given for the justices ' decision .
2 Partly due to the ban placed on the authors ' disclosing anything about ‘ intelligence techniques ’ ( p. x ) , which has been rigidly enforced .
3 Last night however , crowds gathered round the workers ' militia standing by their trucks , trying to include them — sometimes successfully — in conversations about the need for change .
4 The books of such company must be available for production to the Council on demand under its powers of inspection contained in the Solicitors ' Accounts Rules 1986 .
5 Certain changes in the rules contained in the Nurses ' , Mid-wives ' and Health Visitor 's Act ( 1979 ) are needed to make updating a legal requirement , and these must be put before Parliament as with any law reform .
6 200 walks organised by The Ramblers ' Association to be held all over England , Scotland and Wales .
7 The nature of the formal shapes made by the dancers ' bodies and limbs as they move into and hold a picture must be evaluated .
8 These objectives , however , proved vulnerable to external events , especially the disruption caused by the miners ' strike of 1984–5 , and the government was forced to revise them downwards .
9 She is also entitled to damages for her mental distress caused by the solicitors ' negligence .
10 The data compiled by the Childrens ' Movement and IBASE , an independent institute , show a street child dies from stabbing , strangulation , beating or gunshots every two days in Brazil and claims that 82 children have been murdered by death squads this year .
11 Other labels derive from words taken from the foreigners ' own language .
12 Table 6.3 provides rather more useful information on the subject area(s) covered by the students ' research , as identified by the students themselves .
13 Armando Guebuza , the leader of the government delegation , as being designed to give the MNR time to consider proposals made by the talks ' mediators .
14 It comprises elements from both modern and classical techniques ensuring that the lines and patterns made by the dancers ' bodies are more expressively stretched and angled and less rounded than usual , because so much is danced with tense emotion .
15 Amendments made : No. 49 , in schedule 1 , page 37 , line 21 , leave out from being' to end of line 22 and insert nominated by the students ' association of the college from among students of the college . ' .
16 She spoke of the charity work done by the Students ' Union , paid compliments to Salford Council and expressed approval of the University 's wider access policy , particularly of the 2 × 2 courses , the first graduates of which will take their degrees next year .
17 Guests ' bills are written up daily from the duplicate vouchers which are debited to the visitors ' tabular ledger and it follows that the balances shown on the guests ' bills must correspond with the balances in the visitors ' tabular ledger .
18 They had found three of the four sacks of potatoes stolen in the gipsies ' camp on Rickling Heath , and one bag of oats , but no trace of the pony .
19 True , this remedy contains more than an element of ‘ big brother ’ and it may be that it does no more than turn the criminals away from the areas covered by the cameras ' eyes .
20 10.1 The Company shall receive on publication six copies of the printed Work and six copies of the video Work ( in the format and standard of the Company 's choice ) and one copy of any revised or corrected impression all free of charge and shall be entitled to purchase at two-thirds of the United Kingdom published price any further copies of the Work required for the Authors ' personal use and not for resale .
21 ROY 'S DREAM returned to the winners ' enclosure at Kelso 11 days ago with blood oozing from one of the several whip marks on him .
22 Efforts were made to keep the communities informed of the studies ' purposes , and of any new developments , through meetings open to all community members , and by announcements at market places .
23 Nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the following statements made in the directors ' report are unreasonable in all the circumstances :
24 In addition to the listing of pigments and common pigment names used in all painting since antiquity ( a useful resource for artists and restorers ) , there is also a detailed description of all the colours used by the artists ' materials industry today , including the new organic synthetic pigments .
25 Unfortunately , the date of this year 's conference clashed with the directors ' conference .
26 The Labour group , currently with 25 seats compared to the Tories ' 57 , believes it needs another 25 to gain control — depending on how well or badly the Liberal Democrats fare .
27 John Jevons , Clwyd 's social services director , says in a report to councillors today that a plan would be thrashed out to best meet the needs of individuals based on the residents ' reaction .
28 Confidence spread through the Quakers ' ranks in the second half and they steadily took control .
29 The lack of experienced management was commented upon when the prospectus was issued , but there was an even more serious problem — the powers given to the Founders ' Trust .
30 The court said that the conclusion the arbitrator had come to could only have been reached by in effect giving evidence to himself in flat contradiction to the evidence given by the applicants ' expert witness , and the arbitrator was guilty of misconduct in failing to observe the rules of natural justice .
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