Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had driven straight into a brick lorry , and car and driver coalesced in the final spasm .
2 The baby had rejected milk given by the foster mother .
3 They have eight pairs of walking legs , with their genital openings situated in the top segment .
4 An abandoned truck , its snout rammed into the steep bank of a cut , caused me a moment 's panic .
5 ON December 14 TODAY warned of the threat posed to women by the dangerously short sentence given to the multiple rapist Dr Thomas Courtney .
6 Throughout the Johannesburg commuter system , all station platforms were divided in half , for Whites and non-Whites respectively , and the trains were similarly divided so that the appropriate part stopped at the relevant stretch of platform .
7 WOMEN factory workers fighting for equal pension rights had their case referred to the European Court of Justice yesterday .
8 Lawyers and a shorthand writer gathered in the front room of his home in Beith , Strathclyde , to take his evidence before a court-appointed Commissioner .
9 Even as the ‘ external functions ’ of the Soviet Armed Forces acquire real importance , the principal means upon which the USSR relies to influence change are what Westerners are accustomed to call ‘ other means ’ : moral , political and material support furnished below the legal threshold of intervention , designed to encourage and revolutionise or at least influence and infiltrate .
10 If the authorities intervened in the gilt-edged market to support prices , they would be tending to add to the liquidity of the banking system .
11 During the plague of 1603 rumours were fathered on him and John Dee [ q.v. ] to the effect that its future course depended on the imminent fall of a planet to earth .
12 Produced in six bi-monthly parts it gives an up-to-date , comprehensive summary of all decisions on human rights cases heard at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg .
13 This is achieved by limiting the range of cases heard by the High Court , by extending the jurisdiction of the county court , ensuring that , in most cases , the same remedies are available in the county court as in the High Court , amending the transfer system , reviewing the costs sanction system that applies when a case is taken inappropriately in the High Court , improving the trial facilities at county courts by concentrating trials at centres where continuous trial facilities are available , providing new centres , creating a new tier of Circuit judges to take additional civil jurisdiction burdens , and increasing the number of people eligible for appointment as county court and district registrars or district judges .
14 For reasons given in the next section , we remain sympathetically sceptical .
15 So far portables have about 10 per cent of the PC market ( 5b ) , and sales are growing for all the reasons given in the last question ( 6d ) , including ‘ yuppies love them . ’
16 If the reasons given by the chief officer of police are such that a court concludes that no reasonable officer could form the judgment that serious disruption would ensue , it is possible that the courts will prove readier to intervene than they ever were under the previous legislation , which referred to ‘ serious public disorder ’ only .
17 If the planning application is persisted with , I support the plea for calling it in , for the reasons given by the hon. Member for Beaconsfield .
18 Indeed , one of the reasons for the rapid absorption of the rational expectations hypothesis into new classical circles was that the underlying model of neoclassical economics in general and new classical macroeconomics in particular was the belief that this hypothesis conformed with the distinguishing feature of neoclassical theory , that of profit and utility maximization .
19 The generally optimistic tenor of this debate provides a revealing comparison with those public views examined for the earlier period .
20 The most important difference was the protection given to the embalmed body itself .
21 In its shadow , in a square of orange brickwork part hidden by the long grass , stood a circular pool .
22 I have a file here of R&D projects undertaken by the late Head of SimFic , the traitor , Berdichev .
23 Royal Aberdeen Golf Club had a more original way of observing its 200 years existence with a Royal Aberdeen Bicentenary Whisky blended for the special birthday occasion .
24 Special finishes are of course completed in the time-honoured fashion ; sunbursts and other fancy finishes are carried out by hand .
25 Would Johnny appear to hang in mid-air , suspended on some invisible support hidden from the interested gaze of Cassie 's contemporaries ?
26 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
27 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
28 The support given to the Urban Foundation showed British recognition of the acute shortage of housing for blacks in South Africa 's urban areas , a move welcomed by Nthato Motlana , chairman of Soweto 's civic association .
29 A number of missions owe their existence to the initiative and financial support given in the first place by the Association .
30 In this period of rapid social change , involving families moving from the countryside to the town , the support given by the wider network of relatives was of great importance for individual families .
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