Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] down at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch .
2 Corbett squinted down at the faded blue-green ink .
3 Galvone glanced down at the wall-to-wall shag carpet , shrugged .
4 Rex glanced down at the billfold and then back to the screen .
5 Corbett looked down at the fearful remains of a young man who , the last time they had met , had been a vigorous young soldier interested in clearing his own name .
6 Crouched in the shadows at the curve of the banister , Frankie stared down at the dark jungle of coats and jackets hanging from a row of wall-hooks in the lower corridor .
7 Dr Neil looked down at the bent blue-black head , and some idea of the enormous concession she was making to him struck home .
8 Ronni blinked down at the glittering sea that was divided from the craggy landscape by a broad silken ribbon of glittering pale gold sand .
9 The Collector looked down at the gaunt , upturned faces gathered at the foot of the stairs .
10 Paige glanced down at the steaming billy that she had balanced over two rocks .
11 Daniel looked down at the big paddle wheel on the side of the ship .
12 As on that first night , Shelley looked down at the glowing rectangle of blue that was the floodlit pool .
13 Matchsticks sneered down at the shaking woman , then turned nonchalantly towards the front door .
14 Allowing herself a moment of pity , Theodora gazed down at the vulnerable sleeping figure .
15 Virginia stared down at the half-eaten roll on her plate , and took a shaky sip of coffee .
16 Joe stared down at the large , rough hand gently rubbing against him .
17 Connon stared down at the young man in the picture as if he was looking at a stranger and trying to analyse what made him seem vaguely familiar .
18 Sarah looked down at the sleeping infant and made some suitable comment , but her mind was occupied with Elizabeth 's obvious ill-health .
19 Sophie looked down at the unconscious West Highland terrier and saw that his breathing was rapid and shallow .
20 For several minutes Morse looked down at the turbid , turgid river ; and his thoughts were as restless as the waters below him .
21 Then the wizard looked down at the six big coins in his hand .
22 Witcher gaped down at the smoking hob in his chest .
23 Hoisting the child on to her hip , Caroline glanced down at the short , figure-skimming creation , deceptively simple with its low sweetheart neckline and floaty cap sleeves .
24 Shamlou looked down at the cowering woman in the hearth , the petrol-sodden gown clinging to her body .
25 Lewis looked down at the uncarpeted floor-boards and put his note-book away .
26 Athelstan stared down at the long , white face under its tarry black hood .
27 The Spencer Tracy lookalike beamed down at the Anti-Rex .
28 The little plane came down at the old airport , south of the town .
29 Behind the screen Wycliffe looked down at the dead man : middle or late forties , probably above average height , bony , but with a tendency to corpulence sedentary : the disease of modern man .
30 He was never remotely stumped when an item went down at the last moment and the presenter was left with a minute to fill .
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