Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] them [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bloom et al. " s study of how to is acquired in infinitival complement constructions led them to the clear conclusion that " the children learned to with the meaning " " direction towards " " and not as a meaningless syntactic marker " ( 1984 : 391 ) .
2 Glenn Hoddle got them to the Premier league … maybe Keith Scott can keep them there !
3 A car passed them on the single track road , heading north ; they stood aside to let it pass , waving at the single occupant when he waved at them .
4 The long black limousine drove them through the wintry city .
5 Should they attempt to influence the bishops , Archbishop Felici warned them on the first day of the new session , they would lose their privileges , a threat that caused considerable resentment as much among the fathers as among their advisers .
6 They found that he knew what he wanted ; that he was persuasive in trying to get it ; that what he wanted was good ; and they suddenly realized that this new young professor dragged them into the twentieth century .
7 After a dry tour , the brewery directed them to the local pub — which sells a RIVAL brew .
8 It was difficult to remember the route , but Lowell 's van in the bottom field signposted them in the right direction .
9 It must have taken a while from Taunton , Charles thought , as Frances drove them in the yellow Renault 5 along the route Lesley-Jane had described .
10 Grooms took their horses whilst a pompous steward of the Prince 's household led them up the main steps into the spacious hall .
11 I used to wear jeans and jackets and shirts but my parents burned them on the same day my dad beat me up , and after that I had to wear saris .
12 That is the same price Leeds council paid them in the mid 1980 's and about £2.5m less than the local authority are looking for now .
13 The main street of the village faced them on the other side of the Westport road .
14 ‘ At the Brisbane Hotel dinner , Jimmy Conn treated them to the full Address to the Haggis , splendidly translated by interpreter Pru Williams . ’
15 Faced with narrow options , the Chancellor broadened them in the only way realistically open to him — chronologically .
16 As the shirt-sleeved waiter preceded them across the crowded room , Polly was startled when people began calling out to Nathan .
17 Stephen took them up the zig-zag track .
18 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
19 Owen accompanied them to the front entrance himself .
20 A warm , salty breeze blew in from the Adriatic and sunlight sparkled on the water as their motor-boat taxi carried them towards the Grand Canal .
21 A sun umbrella sheltered them from the wan May sunshine .
22 Boni homines or échevins ousted them in the self-governing towns ; and slowly the day-to-day work of running courts in the non-franchised areas was taken over by knights or clerks with special knowledge of the law , leaving castellans to revert to their military role .
23 Yet if Mosley came to see Lloyd George as a fellow economic radical , objections to the management of Irish policy divided them in the early 1920s .
24 So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school , and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work .
25 Some of the men who took part in this , like Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother-in-law Sir Humphrey Gilbert , were also attracted by the idea of getting lands on the other side of the Atlantic , and the success of the Spaniards encouraged them in the widespread belief that an immense amount of gold and silver was waiting to be discovered all over the Americas .
26 Ideas flew from Lucy 's lips , Jay worked them into the right phrase , the right analogy .
27 ‘ Why do you think your father left them in the first place ? ’
28 Without a word , the nun ushered them through the broad , thick oak door and into a tiled hall , there to be confronted by a statue of the Virgin Mary with the Child in her arms , and above her , on the wall , a large crucifix hanging at such an angle it appeared that Christ 's bent head was viewing Himself as a child in His mother 's arms .
29 The part of the Wallowa Valley desired by the Nez Perce in 1873 , and the completely contradictory area allocated them by the Indian Bureau .
30 The beadle led them through the gloomy rooms off the main hall where the Court of Common Pleas , Court of Chancery and Court of Requests sat , and down a warren of lime-washed corridors until he stopped in front of a door and rapped noisily with his wand .
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