Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] the first [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In 1555 Primož Trubar made the first translation of the New Testament into Slovene and in 1584 a Slovene grammar was produced .
2 Ben made the first on-sight of Psycho ( ) and followed it up with on-sights of Genesis ( ) , Rainbow Wall ( ) , Your mother , Monument and Anarchiste ( all ) with Mark sharing the honours on Monument .
3 President Havel of Czechoslovakia became the first head of state on July 19 to ratify the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , signed by the six Warsaw Pact and 16 NATO member countries in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] , and which entailed sharp reductions in troops , tanks and weaponry .
4 Although Harriot drew the first map of the Moon as seen through the telescope , or glass , Galileo 's series of observations were the first serious scientific investigation of the Moon 's surface .
5 In 1822 , eight years after Thomas Lord [ q.v. ] had moved his famous turf to its last resting place at St John 's Wood , Aislabie became the first secretary of the MCC , the first sign of any real formality of organization .
6 Opposition parties boycotted the first day of the budget session of the Lok Sabha on Feb. 21 , and two state governors were replaced earlier in the month , in connection with the decision to impose president 's rule in Tamil Nadu in late January [ see p. 37964 ] .
7 The pattern of Europe was squarely placed upon the city of Jerusalem when , in 1100 , Baldwin of Boulogne became the first King of Jerusalem .
8 In Johnson 's report , the education offered by the city takes precedence over any popular descriptions or concerns , beginning with an interest in the fact that Hector Boece or Boethius became the first President of the King 's College , in 1494 , at the instigation of Bishop William Elphinstone , effectively the founder of Aberdeen University — whose tomb may still be seen .
9 In 1970 , the Library Association produced the first set of specific standards for school libraries that Great Britain had ever had , embodying the library 's new name , and including an analysis of implications for finance , planning , staffing and service which was immediately recognized as being incomplete .
10 Other subjects used the first part of the show included the Dart Valley railway , the Red Arrows and computer graphics .
11 As foreseen under the peace agreement , officials of the two parties began the first meeting of their Joint Political and Military Commission , together with Soviet , US and Portuguese representatives , in Luanda on June 17 .
12 Whether the startling but short-lived explosion of punk rock represented the first sign of a new situational fracture ( new production methods ; ‘ outrageous ’ music ; independent operations ) , or the last twitch of the moment of ‘ pop culture ’ ( a rerun of rock 'n' roll do-it-yourself amateurism ) , or a less organic , conjunctural tremor ( like hip hop , ‘ charity rock ’ , Bruce Springsteen , Billy Bragg and many more ) is difficult to say .
13 The accord marked the first application of the so-called " Brady plan " designed to encourage voluntary debt reduction schemes [ see pp. 36541-42 ; 37016-17 ] .
14 Your listening to the Fox Report ; sport , and last night , Oxford United Football Club won the first leg of their second round clash with Port Vale in the Rumbelows League Cup .
15 Sutherland published the first catalogue of plants in the physic garden , the Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis , in 1683 .
16 LORD Sutch missed the first night of his pantomime season in Northampton after falling through the stage .
17 In February Aquino became the first President of the Philippines to appear in court as she took the stand as a witness in support of her libel case against a newspaper columnist , Luis Beltran .
18 The exceptionally strong team , which included Mick Fowler — with whom Saunders made the first ascent of the ravishing Golden Pillar of Spantik — Caradog Jones and Steve Sustad , had hoped for an ascent of the mountain 's South East Spur — a 9,000 foot mega-Walker Spur .
19 The sky above them lit again , and the next rumble produced the first spattering of rain .
20 This , at length , came under the control of Virgin , as the principal British investors , and The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle became the first production of a new company , Virgin Films .
21 Winger Lee Sharpe scored the first goal of his memorable comeback and said : ‘ I do n't think I 've ever played in a better team perform-ance .
22 George Oldham became the first chairman of any region to serve a second term of office .
23 Although teething troubles dogged the first week of pedestrianisation in Darlington traders and shoppers generally welcomed the scheme .
24 On June 11 Zaki described the first round of talks as " constructive " and denied that Pakistan was seeking to reverse the administration 's decision to suspend aid .
25 EC monitors reported the first use of Soviet-made ground to ground missiles on Dec. 30 south of Zagreb .
26 After four hours ' play of the sixth round Martin showed the first sign of faltering as he slipped into a bad position against fellow Australian grandmaster Ian Rogers , who is in joint second place with Miles on 4/5 in third place .
27 The £2m-rated striker missed three chances to add to his 21 goals so far this season as Pompey dominated the first half of this Anglo-Italian Cup tie .
28 The banks approved the first outline of the proposals in October , but detailed work on the final draft has been going on since then .
29 Professor Keishiro Okuma presented the first issue of the new journal Studia Celtica Japonica ( Toyohashi , 1988 ) , published by the Celtic Society of Japan , a welcome reminder of the wide span of international interest in Celtic studies .
30 Mr Runciman said the first warning of problems came in August when it was realised that a major contract expected in the first half of the financial year was not going to materialise .
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