Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [to-vb] [adv prt] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The withdrawal of these pioneers from the scene need not have been bad news for the industry ; few American production outfits made the transition to new times and Méliès failed to keep up in France .
2 As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman .
3 Another exciting window on the mind seemed to open up in Chicago in the 1950s when Nathaniel Kleitman and Bill Dement began using the techniques of electroencephalography to investigate sleep .
4 To visit his people Ramsey had to go up in lifts .
5 When all this has been said , it is still very difficult to see how the Divisional Court in R. v. LTE ex parte GLC managed to come down in favour of the GLC in the face of the unanimous decision of the Law Lords .
6 Outside their refuge the rain began to come down in earnest .
7 Gulliver wanted to step down in August because of business commitments but was asked to carry on by chairman Wallace Mercer until the club had made a decision about a new stadium .
8 As Mrs Bullivant , carrying her bag of instruments , mounted the stairs , Nelly 's Mum began to cry out in agony .
9 That self-confidence had been acquired from the success of The Cocktail Party : it had opened in London in May 1950 , just a few months after the New York opening , and , although the audiences began to fall off in November , Sherek did not feel it necessary to close the play until February 1951 .
10 THE arms-to-Iraq affair threatened to blow up in John Major 's face yesterday .
11 During the practice , Prost had been impressed by both the McLaren and the Williams and his worst fears were confirmed as Senna pulled inexorably away and the multi-coloured Williams of Nigel Mansell began to move about in Prost 's mirrors .
12 As the Soviet Union began to break up in August 1991 , Wang led China 's hardline brigade , travelling to the troubled border region of Xinjiang , which he had ruled as military commander four decades before , to demand socialist unity and issue veiled warnings against unrest .
13 Puritanical Lord Reith was in love with another man throughout most of his adult life , Daphne du Maurier was a lesbian , J Edgar Hoover liked to dress up in women 's clothes .
14 TV star Joe Longthorne failed to turn up in court yesterday because it was Friday the 13th .
15 So Harris decided to go out in style .
16 You see , I could do any sum in my head that Rebecca Salmon had to write out in longhand ; it used to drive her potty .
17 But still the boxes continued to pile up in reception and the feeling of overcrowding persisted .
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