Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the handling of the union 's finances , Wilson 's enemies attacked him with equal vituperation .
2 She was nineteen , the age Maria had been when she had first felt the power of Luke 's attraction , and Maria regarded her with ironic envy , wishing she could have reacted as insouciantly , her awe and admiration as impersonal as Penny 's , Luke confined to some remote pedestal along with other out-of-reach heroes , contact undreamed-of .
3 We thought all was well until the Battlebus passed us at full speed in the opposite direction .
4 His mouth met hers with bruising force , and the clamour inside her head rose to a deafening crescendo , the world twisted and turned , tossing her adrift with the turbulence of a whirlwind .
5 The eyes lanced hers with swift rage and her pulses raced .
6 May Roberts Rinehart used it to excellent effect in The Circular Staircase .
7 To begin with Gyggle tried me on sensory deprivation .
8 The hooded eyes surveyed her with frank appreciation mingled with amusement .
9 ‘ The king my father learned of my regard for yourself from Sir Thomas Vaughan who saw it as his duty to inform him , ’ Edward told her with notable reluctance .
10 If Alice or Bert filled it with hot water and it leaked causing injury , would either of them have an action ?
11 I put on my coat and we went out to where the wind welcomed us with savage glee .
12 Woolley placed her under close arrest for mutiny .
13 Plans for their future brought them into political contact with enemies of the ninth electorate which led first to the secret murder of Königsmarck in 1694 , with the connivance of Ernst August , and later to Sophia Dorothea 's confinement in her father 's keeping at the palace of Ahlden , following her divorce from Georg Ludwig in 1694 , which carried the rider that she could not remarry .
14 His great horse earned it with apparent ease — but lost 29lb in the process and came home to Ballydoyle more exhausted than after any of his previous races .
15 His eyes searched hers with fierce intensity , and his lips hovered over her own .
16 Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned , and Richard greeted him with sarcastic cheerfulness .
17 Although his groups , ‘ Tiddlers ’ , ‘ Ritz ’ , and ‘ Boys ’ , reflected increasing involvement in delinquent activities , they served the same function of enabling young people to achieve the sort of reputations and images denied them in mainstream society .
18 What gave rise to the protest of the intelligentsia , and what lay behind the revolutionary protest of its extreme wing , was the lack of opportunity afforded them by tsarist society .
19 This decision filled her with profound gloom ; not only because her home had been so special and so very much loved , but also because the selling of Rose Cottage could do nothing but plunge her into financial disaster .
20 His gaze pierced her like cold steel .
21 Jake regarded her with superior amusement .
22 Each of these companies provided us with detailed information of their purchases , which provided the basis for our estimate of ‘ indirect ’ employment described in Section 3 .
23 In my case , my parents used it with devastating overkill .
24 As so often in the past , Our Lady blessed us with fine weather so that were able to hold our group procession on Wednesday morning , carrying her statue along the holy mile to the Shrine , singing hymns and reciting the Rosary .
25 Be wary of some people in high places whose duties involved them in prolific correspondence .
26 But the last unspoken question consumed her with fresh guilt .
27 The youngster addressed him with condescending friendliness , and got a morose answer .
28 The guard examined it in close detail , checking off the listed physical peculiarities .
29 Nails watched it with horrified fascination , and saw it start to slide towards him .
30 The exchange put him in excellent mood for his breakfast .
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