Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [be] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Brian and I recounted the awful journey , but , of course , all the Yanks had been through the same ordeal .
2 Across the emptying room another hurt mind had been at the same moment of time glanced by unwanted evocations of shabby Forest sheep nudging together in a brick shelter on a high road through the trees .
3 She parted her lips to tell him about Dana , then closed them again as a desperate plea from her twin made itself known as clearly as if Dana had been in the same room .
4 He and Adam had been at the same school , though he was a bit older .
5 In essence those statutory provisions had been to the same effect .
6 Carey and Zeno had been on the same side once .
7 In almost the same moment Alexei recalled that his father had been at the same briefing .
8 There had been sporadic contact even before the 1850s treaties , and subsequent relations had been on the same unequal basis as those with the other powers .
9 Tolonen had been of the same generation as the T'ang and they shared the same unspoken values .
10 However , the proportions cautioned were about the same ( at about 6 per cent . )
11 The many part-time farmers in Germany had been under the same economic pressures as their counterparts in the UK in recent years .
12 Relations between Lang and Salmond are not good at the best of times but , given that the SNP had been in the same lobby as the Government the night before , it might have been expected that Lang would have been at least polite .
13 Well , Walter had been through the same things , but he wanted to put them down on paper .
14 If one of his family had been in the same position surely he 'd expect a stiffer sentence than the one given today
15 If John had been of the same family as Jesus , moreover , his ‘ seal of approval ’ would have carried the additional authority of a royal warrant .
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