Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] him [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A witness had seen him in deep water , shouting and waving for help .
2 Thames Water Utilities wanted to put him on light duties .
3 Always the perfect aide , Serrigny tried to distract him with Rabelaisian reminiscences from army life of twenty years ago .
4 These shoes had stood him in good stead .
5 Timex management had told him of substantial losses in recent years and of the possibility of another massive deficit this year .
6 One girl wanted to cover him in whipped cream and honey and then slowly lick off every bit .
7 Cranston sat on the bed just staring at the corpse as if the man was alive and the coroner wished to draw him into friendly conversation .
8 Nature had endowed him with exceptional vitality and both Cagney himself and Warner Bros quickly appreciated how that vitality positively crackled before the camera .
9 Nothing else , for the rectory belonged to the church , and she had discovered that her late husband 's public generosity had run him into considerable debt .
10 In Galway itself , the scenes and actions of the past few years had brought him to early maturity as a willing recruit for the politics of the street fight .
11 But then the electors of Leyton decided to reject him amid tearful scenes , strangling his political career .
12 Timex managers had told him of heavy losses in recent years and the possibility of more losses this year .
13 He fixed his mind on a rule his father had given him for public speaking : Get a vague plan and then say anything that comes into your head .
14 His employers offered to pay him in full until the 12-month period expired and the High Court granted them an injunction , preventing Mr Henderson from leaving prematurely .
15 So now in America his two friends had to rescue him from certain death by yanking him back , as he meditated and was about to walk in front of a fast street-car .
16 Walesa 's critics had accused him of dangerous populism which threatened political and economic stability .
17 In Vienna , where the Duke had travelled as Britain 's ambassador to the Congress , society had greeted him with outrageous flattery , calling him ‘ le vainqueur du vainqueur du monde ’ , but Lucille guessed that Bonaparte might have other ideas of the Duke 's military stature .
18 His loyalty had stood him in good stead after the restoration , and he was now a commissioner of police for religious conformity — a post which did not prevent him from working in any other area which Horemheb , through the king , saw fit to appoint him to .
19 Thus far the internal structure of the pod had protected him from extreme variations in gravitational pull , but now he felt his weight increase as the slim capsule reached terminal velocity for the thin , wind-torn upper atmosphere .
20 She said she had not heard that British scientists wanted to return him to Arctic waters , but warned that going back to cold temperatures , coupled with the need to hunt for food again , would be fatal .
21 BORIS Yeltsin , the Russian President , suffered two serious blows last night when the country 's highest parliament voted to strip him of direct control of the government by July , and Ukraine made clear it would not ratify a landmark arms treaty between the United States and the former Soviet Union .
22 But her urgency seemed to provoke him to lazy slowness .
23 George had told him in private the reason for Sarah Butler being packed off to Leeds , and he had realised then that her infatuation for George was an obsession .
24 He began to unlace her bodice , and her hands attempted to stop him in vain .
25 Gandhi was enchanted by the viceroy 's frankness , and recalled to him that Smuts had treated him with similar candour , recognizing , as he said , the justice of his claim on a certain issue , but advancing unanswerable reasons from the point of view of government why it was impossible to meet .
26 Not because of any failure , but because his employers wanted to promote him from temporary to permanent status and this required checking his background .
27 He had to try three of the numbers which the Substitute had given him on identical slips of paper , each of which had ‘ after eight-thirty ’ written in small , neat writing across the bottom .
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