Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 Given the basic similarity of human sexuality at birth , and the bisexual nature of human beings , Freud sought to account for the way in which men and women are produced in a particular society — namely , middle-class Europe and America in the early twentieth century .
2 What Hailey did see in the way of African unrest was a number of scattered local agitations arising from problems connected with land tenure , taxation , conditions of employment , and interference with native custom .
3 But for some reason the thought of dark , obsidian eyes and a powerful , muscular body kept getting in the way .
4 Caro had noticed before the way her mother always avoided referring to the accident and Caro 's time in hospital , almost as if it were something obscene .
5 A few things got torn along the way .
6 He also struck him when Sweeney tried to escape on the way to the Bridewell .
7 Well before the events of 1987 , changes had occurred in the way in which the struggle between tankers and their assailants was conducted .
8 But you , you , you 're an interplanetary artiste — ’ She said this very carefully , it was getting hard to speak properly , her tongue kept getting in the way .
9 The magazines were heavy , and Bobbie stopped to rest on the way home .
10 Protected by the noise , which surely signified the most hideously active stoking the world had ever seen , I began to search about , even daring to light a flambeau , which was all this ground floor seemed to warrant in the way of illumination .
11 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
12 It was the time of my own personal greatness , before any human hurt had got in the way .
13 The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening .
14 From there , they spread across Europe as the Roman empire began to swell Along the way , these early pest-controlling cats started to encounter the wild European cats and to hybridize with them .
15 They had studied the maps very carefully before setting out and Floy had marked out the way that he and Snodgrass would take .
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