Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mazzin tried to impose the same treatment on us .
2 Utilisation can be twice as high and produces a double benefit : ( i ) lower costs per hour , and ( ii ) fewer aircraft needed to service the same sales volume .
3 Rupert Murdoch decided to do the same thing with The Times .
4 I had suggested all cars would inevitably look the same , as rival designers struggled to meet the same constraints dictated by safety requirements and ever-better fuel economy .
5 This study aimed to use the same methods to examine anorectal function in 23 patients with complete supraconal spinal cord lesions and to determinate the relationship between the site of the lesion and the existence of inconsistent phenomena .
6 Whereas European countries tended to acquire public ownership of the assets of natural monopolies , the United States preferred to handle the same problems through public regulation of industries whose assets were left in private ownership .
7 His eyes had turned the same colour and I caught a whiff of that strange perfume which sometimes emanated from him , sweet but sickly .
8 David had said the same sort of thing , thought Juliet , and a deep feeling of sadness washed over her .
9 The social groups C2DE still make up 57 per cent of the electorate ; if Labour had enjoyed the same dominance among these voters as do the Tories in social groups ABC1 , they would have swept to power with a big majority .
10 Edward had made the same objection .
11 He told us that " if only the car industry had achieved the same improvements in price performance since the war as the electronics industry , a 1980 Rolls Royce would only cost 2 pence . "
12 In addition , he pointed out that the price/performance ratio has changed by a factor of 6,000 in the past few years : ‘ If the car industry had had the same change that the computer industry has experienced since 1960 , a car that cost $10,000 in 1960 would now be sold for $1 , ’ he said .
13 LOOKING back , Offshore Europe 93 may be remembered as the event at which the oil industry and its contractors started playing the same tune .
14 Sukarno hoped to employ the same techniques as had broken Dutch resistance in New Guinea .
15 His friend , Helen Woodruff had admitted the same charge , and already been banned from keeping dogs for 7 years .
16 Two promoters had obtained the same A G ( all mutations are indicated for the upper strand ) substitution at position -65 , two promoters had obtained an A G substitution at -72 , three promoters had obtained double mutations : A G at -65 together with C T at -1 , A G at -65 with C T at +4 and A G at -65 together with A G at -33 .
17 Coun George Robinson claimed that if the council had received the same level of Government support grant that it had in the 1970s , the poll tax would have been about £100 .
18 The bachelor wanted to ask the same question , but he said nothing .
19 A similar conclusion was reached by Gruenberg ( 1977 ) from a population study in Sweden , although further analysis of the same population failed to reach the same conclusion ( Rorsman et al .
20 He had already become dependent on Richard Arkwright [ q.v. ] for funds ( a loan of £10,000 in 1788 ) but the prosperity of muslins now evaporated , while Oldknow failed to achieve the same mastery of technical perfection in fine-cotton spinning .
21 The chances of winning the two bets are at that point judged to have the same probability , given by the ratio of red to blue marbles .
22 The chances of winning the two bets are at that point judged to have the same probability , given by the ratio of red to blue marbles .
23 Ronni shook her head at Guido , remembering how Silvia had said the same thing to her .
24 Councillor Bellamy had asked the same question , Carolyn recalled .
25 I think of the poetic neatness of the novel about the compulsive , enduring desire for a house of one 's own being composed only a few streets away from where someone with infinitely fewer resources tried to mobilise the same dream .
26 The paintings seemed to bear the same relation to reality as prayers to the vision of God .
27 In itself this was not so radical a departure from polling methods , and soon Gallup and other agencies began to adopt the same methods .
28 Hawthorn and oak had colonised the same embankment .
29 Whatever the nature of their relationship , it was clear that husband and wife had shared the same flat .
30 Defries had had the same idea .
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