Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [Wh det] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
2 On July 25-26 they moved into the building in Karantina , Beirut , which had formerly housed the Health Ministry but which during the civil war had become the headquarters of the LF .
3 for direct processing the track index does not make it clear which records are in overflow and which in the prime data area ; this prevents the first overflow record being retrieved as quickly as is achieved in the two-entry index system — at least while it is the only overflow record .
4 Right now with manufacturing er in manufacturing , there are economies of scale , huge economies of scale this is why we find look at cars again that Toyota plant in Derby produces all the Toyota Corollas or whatever for the whole world , it 's not just for the U K market alright .
5 The contracting parties shall therefore choose conversion modalities which do not cause any inflationary tendencies in the entire area of the monetary union and which at the same time increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the GDR .
6 Dependence Social power exists only in interpersonal situations ; others are involved and must be dependent on the skill , knowledge , strength or whatever of the powerful .
7 It will be readily appreciated how important it is to agree on a name which reflects the separate identities ( and vanities ) of the firms involved without assuming Dickensian proportions and which at the same time commands the approval of any public relations consultant who has been engaged .
8 Because they 're becoming so obscure now , that they 're becoming an e exercise in erm obscures or obscurity or whatever in the same way into the same appalling state as the annual report disease is becoming a design competition not an annual report presentation of financial figures .
9 Yes , but those are a particular kind of grown ups and what about the stiff upper lippers ?
10 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
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