Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [v-ing] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 An alternative form of fundraising or obtaining support for the school is through sponsorship .
2 Come and see the 100 species of monkey who live in the park 's 17 acres and do n't miss the colourful flamingoes , the chimpanzees ' tea party , the playful penguins or feeding time for the sea-lines .
3 They followed a linear plan , oriented to the departure platform , and access to the railway line was controlled by the building , which contained the company 's offices and waiting accommodation for the passengers .
4 ‘ Q-shed ’ was once the warehouse and booking office for the much-loved P. & A. Campbell pleasure steamers , Today , a wide range of exciting and dynamic events and activities frequently changed are held here .
5 They had a special role in relation to stock-rearing and stock health and as the confidante and sounding board for the farmers ' problems .
6 The first is the seance with the ‘ witch-doctor ’ , a magician , part of whose practice is detecting witches and providing vengeance-magic for the recently bereaved .
7 While still in London she worked for many other causes , campaigning from 1869 for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts and organizing relief for the refugees from Turkish atrocities against the Bulgars in 1876 .
8 Current efforts are aimed at finalising the gas price and sales contracts and gaining approval for the field 's development plan .
9 Eva decided their activities were " excessive " , and preferred swimming or playing tennis for the school to prayer meetings .
10 Roy Lambe , aged 25 , of Belfast , was charged with having two rifles , a pistol and ammunition with intent to endanger life ; possessing information likely to be useful to terrorists and raising money for the illegal loyalist group the Red Hand Commandos .
11 This is produced by injecting a small dose of the antigen into the body and allowing time for the person to produce antibodies himself , which then remain in the body for a variable time .
12 They gave him his first meal , of bread for the body and purifying salt for the immortal soul , and cheered as his tiny red face puckered at the taste and he yelled lustily .
13 Aside from the fact that he does n't actually discuss it in any detail , there is little more than a disappointed huffing and puffing at the exhaustion of the avant-garde 's shock value ( backed up by a particularly crass quotation from Peter Bürger about Duchamp 's readymades ) and some utterly routine panting over the outlandish prices being currently paid for Van Goghs — plus a quotation from a sub-Warholian Manhattan ‘ artist ’ answering an art magazine questionnaire with a few smart remarks about business and producing art for the market .
14 This is what is planned in the community care services , with local authorities losing some of their responsibility for provision but retaining responsibility for the allocation of resources .
15 Eventually — and with some relief — we were out into open water and setting course for the other two large islands in the group , Barentsøvya and Edgeøya .
16 Then we would prepare breakfast , which would mean fetching the water and collecting wood for the fire , which the men usually did , while two women would be in charge of making the tortillas .
17 Interviews conducted by Tamar Pitch with members of the committee revealed that the campaign 's objectives included increasing public awareness of the issue of sexual assault and gaining recognition for the principle that violence against women was a serious offence .
18 The DHAC had softened up the Unionists by publicising the housing situation in Derry and causing embarrassment for the Stormont government , but it was the Nationalists , as elected representatives , who were able to press home the advantage and force the concessions .
19 Their relatively humdrum job these days is merely to argue about the best mechanism for finding out what the people want , the best way of looking after the country 's interests abroad and , in economics , the rival merits of maximising productive efficiency and maximising compassion for the poor devils who get least out of the efficiency .
20 A range of services is being provided from local Family Support Centres which will offer short term care for children on a basis of clear , early decision making , with the close involvement of natural parents and based on an assumption that residential and field workers will be working closely together in planning and providing help for the children and their families .
21 The house was a former packing and washing shed for the vegetables they grew .
22 On May 29 tens of thousands of demonstrators in Tirana 's Skanderbeg Square , calling for the overthrow of the government and expressing support for the hunger strikers , attacked police with rocks , bottles and fire-bombs .
23 She had been unable to visit Kathleen O'Neill but had heard that she was still in hospital and receiving treatment for the wound on her head .
24 The C.-in-C. of the Air Force , Gen. Fernando Matthei Aubel , issued a statement on behalf of the air force on March 8 , welcoming the report and offering support for the government 's policy of reconciliation .
25 Di Tella took a personal interest in the lives of his workers , giving gifts at weddings and on the birth of children and taking responsibility for the health and welfare of the workers and their families .
26 He enjoyed a round of golf and playing cricket for the village and that was about it .
27 The Dowty group will provide twenty five million pounds worth of fuel systems and landing gear for the Tornado .
28 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
29 Perhaps the rest of the decade will see greater use being made of this popular business device for raising capital for the franchisor and creating work for the franchisee .
30 On Nov. 13 the UN World Food Programme ( WFP ) announced a massive humanitarian food plan for Iraq , the first consignment of which involved the despatch of 15,000 tonnes of wheat and cooking oil for the Kurdish population .
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