Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
2 ‘ I voted for Al Gore for Vice President and had to vote for the other fellow to get his ( Gore 's ) name , ’ Mr Clinton told a neighbour as reporters listened in .
3 She pushed her inner chaos to the back of her mind and tried to concentrate on the coming day .
4 Once he jumped from a roof and managed to land on the soft top of a passing van .
5 Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head through the doorway and moved to stand at the foot of the bed in the shadows beyond the arc of light from the small lamp .
6 Material devastation was on a spectacular scale , in addition to episodes such as the tale of 300 babies taken out of hospital incubators and left to die on the ground .
7 Cricket committee chairman Close did n't even get a vote and threatened to quit as the county plunged towards a new civil war .
8 The girls , coaxed from the cars and persuaded to sit on the bottom row of the stand , were heaped with the players ' coats and scarves and warned not to fidget .
9 The whole train stopped while he jumped down from the dome car and went to look at the laggard .
10 He got out of the car and began to walk towards the Embassy .
11 But as I left my car and started to go into the house it was then that I realised I was falling under the spell of this Englishwoman who had been such a delightful and charming companion that day . ’
12 Spencer ignored Emily 's words and continued to gaze at the girl who had paused near the doorway .
13 He clenched his teeth , pulled back his shoulders and began to stride up the road .
14 Garry 's shrug spoke volumes , as did the way he turned away from Dana and started to walk across the lawn .
15 In the early 1950s he used his creation to improve the size of the Aberdeen Angus and began to outcross with the red Beevbilde to produce a new breed of black beef cattle which combined Angus quality with the Lincoln 's fast weight gains .
16 The little left-hander , 142 not out , watched from the non-striker 's end as Bernard Julien played the last ball of the day , bowled by Underwood , defensively on the off side and turned to walk to the pavilion .
17 The porter fell to his knees and began to scrabble at the soft soil next to the wooden scaffold pole .
18 Carefully , almost lovingly , he pulled the instrument across his knees and began to pluck at the strings with a plectrum fashioned from tortoise-shell .
19 The moment that red ball began to flatten , she sat on a rock and strained to see along the flat road , along the plain leading to Siena , and sure enough she saw a black dot which grew larger and became a single horse and then she stood up and began to run towards it , waving and shouting .
20 The question , light , whispered , had barely left her lips and seemed to tremble in the air between them , when with a swift unexpected movement , just as she lifted her hand to touch his face , he caught her wrist .
21 She licked her very dry lips and refused to succumb to the temptation of another drink .
22 no where we went was the erm well where we went first was the Dunkirk , did n't like what we hear in there , so we went from the Dunkirk and tried to get in the erm Smithfield hotel , we were unable to do that
23 FORMBY always looked the better side but had to wait until the 85th minute before they gained their just reward , Paul Proctor scoring .
24 He was immediately given extended leave to undergo psychiatric therapy but refused to cooperate with the medical staff and was retired from Delta at his own request a month after he returned to work .
25 The USA suspended US$320,000,000 in aid but continued to assist in the government 's anti-drugs campaign .
26 Marshal Piłsudski ordered the Polish destroyer Wicher to greet , salute and escort the British as if the Accord were still in effect , and Tadeusz Morgenstern , the commander of the destroyer , was instructed that if the Danzig authorities insulted the Polish flag or tried to interfere with the visit in any way , he was to bombard designated targets in the city centre .
27 She vaulted over a boulder and started to jog across the plateau .
28 ‘ For Pete 's sake ! ’ he muttered moodily , and shoved his hands in his pockets and went to stare into the empty fireplace .
29 At half-past five he leant closer to the window and strained to see into the flat opposite .
30 At last she reached the floor above the hall and began to cross to the diagonally opposite tower , grateful that there were lights here to guide her way .
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