Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This is an empirical equation but it can also be derived from free volume considerations by starting with a description of the viscosity of the system .
2 That is to say , the spin is either " up " or " down " with respect to that direction and it can never be a bit " sideways ' .
3 There will always be imperfections and they can only be overcome by personal relationships .
4 They follow roughly parallel courses down from high mountains to the coastal plain ; all have lochs serving as reservoirs ; all have roads , public or private , that extend far into the interior and there end ; none of them is accessible by road from the west and they can only be approached by wheeled traffic coming from the east .
5 One view , which is supported by the judgment of Lord Denning M.R. in the Court of Appeal in Lonrho is that ‘ it is sufficient if the [ unlawful means ] conspiracy is aimed or directed at the plaintiff and it can reasonably be foreseen that it may injure him , and does in fact injure him ’ and the Supreme Court of Canada has since stated the law in similar terms in a decision in which Lonrho was considered .
6 For example in a flat or apartment , you could buy chairs that would act as occasional chairs ; have them covered in the sort of colour that will go in every room and they can then be distributed throughout the flat and brought together as and when needed .
7 We often speak in Africa about the conflict of cultures but there can also be a merging of cultures .
8 Labour continues to neglect the cause of socialism to this day and it can justifiably be accused of undermining its natural supporters in the province .
9 Hallin rarely attends concerts and it can sometimes be days before the two parties make contact with each other .
10 There are more than 350 lots , which were on view at Sotheby 's in New Bond Street , London , earlier this month and which can still be seen today and tomorrow at the Assembly Rooms before the sale begins .
11 I mean it can be aware you can be aware of somebody with cerebral palsy having cerebral palsy and you can also be totally unaware that they have it .
12 However , there is little doubt that this phenomenon is a most important one in our species and it can only be explained by assuming that , with the beginnings of hunting , neotenous changes suddenly became adaptive .
13 ‘ Look , Maud , ’ pleaded Mildred , ‘ I know it 's hard for you to believe me , but that frog in the pond really is a magician and he can only be changed back by another magician .
14 This is the latest craze to hit the fairgrounds and it can even be seen in some discos .
15 If a back-up copy is available a potential disaster can be averted and the urgent report or whatever can still be completed on time .
16 Right , word full stop word Erm right , press return a few times then choose centering button and table , insert table , and now we 're going to have a table whe where I thought we could have a number and it can either be times or divide by something and then the answer , so we want how many columns ?
17 They are not known to the rest of the program and they can only be changed from within the procedure or function where they are defined .
18 The man , who lives in Darlington and who can only be identified as David , had grown up believing he is a female in a male body .
19 They 're a wonderful blend of natural , gentle herbs and a hint of pure fruit juice , with added vitamin C. And they can only be described as liquid goodness .
20 ‘ But whether , in the ordinary case to which section 5 of the Theft Act 1968 does not apply , goods are to be regarded as belonging to another is a question to which the criminal law offers no answer and which can only be answered by reference to civil law principles .
21 It was a most fruitful involvement and I can never be grateful enough for what I learned about the long history of Burma and the Buddhist culture which was woven into the life of the people .
22 There is often a shared pattern of experiences , beliefs and attitudes which have all arisen within their particular generation and which can never be fully shared by younger people .
23 There are several plastic tracks available , varying in strength , which are suitable for straight runs and which can also be bent successfully round bays .
24 Surrounded as we are by solutions of all kinds , each one supported by persuasive evidence of attested success , we can not but be tempted into the belief that somewhere among them there will be one which matches our particular teaching problem and which can therefore be slotted into our situation like a cassette or a computer programme .
25 If I go to a match in Europe , I come back to a stack of videos and I can hardly be bothered .
26 The bedroom can be a retreat but it can also be a bitter reminder of the comfort you would like to be getting from your partner .
27 It is not only easier to remember everything this way but it can actually be more fun too .
28 The combination seems to point to some underlying form of ‘ essential history ’ of which each individual provides his variant but which can only be hinted at , not revealed , because when the voices join across time they never quite marry , though their coming together is an attempt to generate something which like a collective emotion is necessarily felt as something more than the experience of the individual , as something dominant and external' .
29 In practice the question of the duration of the disability imposed by the springboard doctrine does not frequently arise because most cases concerning confidential information do not come to trial following the grant of an interlocutory injunction and it can therefore be assumed that either the parties settle the action or that interlocutory judgment is treated as final .
30 The case study illustrates that the implications of demographic trends can be modified by unforeseen economic events but they can also be successfully addressed by policy planning .
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