Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [prep] the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Half the men were already straggling back into the Residency building or into the hospital in order to form a new position while the remainder did their best to hold off the sepoys who were already swarming over the ramparts .
2 It was revolting to see these half-starved creatures snuffling around behind the houses or along the river-bank in search of excrement .
3 Their vision rarely seemed to extend beyond the size of their pay packets or of the tits in the vile papers they read .
4 These are prepared by Counsel in a Court of Session action or by the solicitors in a Sheriff Court action , on the basis of the evidence on the insurance file .
5 I think er , it 's apostrophe after the s of classes , after the s in teachers , and after , after the s in husbands and after the s in schools 'cos they 're all plural plural .
6 This is done within the programme itself by using very restricted examples of language and by recycling these examples through the programme and through the course in a range of different short scenes .
7 The complexity of an organisation 's activities in turn increases with differentiation , interdependence , uncertainty and as the uncertainty in an organisation increases , the greater is the amount of information that needs to be processed by decision- makers to ensure coordination .
8 The soot deposits from its chimneys fall in the residential area in which it is sited , settling on washing , paintwork and parked cars and on the plants in people 's gardens — all of which suffer .
9 The work of Kempe in the United States and of the NSPCC in Britain has shown the extent to which therapy can be provided in such cases for both parent and child .
10 Distinctions exist both in the kinds of problems that are selected for study and in the manner in which they are tackled .
11 A king who sought to defy his magnates and preserve his favourites , who was threatened from Scotland and France , who was distrusted and despised by his French wife , would surely need all the support he could get from his clergy and from the pope in order to survive ; and for this , one might expect him to pay dearly by concessions .
12 In desperation , the previous week , he had ordered the children to select a favourite passage from books he had been reading with them , write it out in their best handwriting and then add some comments on what they enjoyed about the piece and about the book in general .
13 In Iran Roosevelt noted , that the economic blockade was losing Mossadeq his support , both among the mullahs and among the merchants in the bazaar , Indeed , his erratic and increasingly dogmatic responses to the crisis meant that even some of his own National Front supporters were defecting form him .
14 So four major fund raising schemes and a lot is being planned locally , by branches and by the councils in Scotland , Northern Ireland and Wales .
15 Whether to care for their wounded or because the men had rebelled , tired from the long day 's march and from the fight in the defile , they were being a ! lowed to eat and to rest .
16 Emphasis on caring for people in their own homes and in the communities in which they live means that more and more initiatives and nursing teams will become community based .
17 Fish excrete both from their vents and through the gills in the form of ammonia .
18 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
19 In the volcanic arc , both in the Sunda Arc and to the north in Burma , movement is predominantly along transform faults .
20 The dysfunctional force of this distinction between education and training has been reinforced by the binary system of state and public schools and by the belief in a ‘ classic ’ non-vocational education as a gold standard or jewel in the crown against which other educational activity is pejoratively judged .
21 ‘ I succumbed ’ , Gandhi said later , ‘ not to Lord Irwin but to the honesty in him . ’
22 Once or twice I caught the N.C.O. staring at me with an expression of hate and disgust but he never maintained it when I stared back , and would look suddenly out of the window or at the papers in the portfolio he was carrying .
23 Finally , since the buyer is also anxious not to exclude any of his rights implied at common law or under the SGA in addition to the express rights which he has included in the contract , he makes it absolutely clear that all such implied rights will also apply to the contract .
24 Cast iron superseded lead as the main material used for gutters and downpipes but cast iron systems are now likely to be showing signs of leaking at the joints between lengths of guttering or at the joints in downpipes .
25 Schoolchildren may be maypole dancing or in the procession in fancy dress , local groups and societies enter floats , others may be involved in the fund-raising events that take place throughout the year or senior citizens may be invited to the ‘ old folks tea and treat ’ ( which takes place on the Monday ) , organised by the maypole committee and an important part of the May weekend .
26 Proposal not supported by target company The court will not call a meeting if the proposal is not supported by the target company , either through its board of directors or by the company in general meeting ( see Re Savoy Hotel Ltd , para 2.4.5 above ) .
27 So far we have been talking about the flow of information from the company , but It can be equally important for management to receive information on how the world is thinking about the company and its activities , about rival companies and about the industry in which it operates .
28 In the West Midlands , Birmingham 's area of deprivation extends in a boomerang-shaped district around the city from the north west in Handsworth to the east in Small Heath and to the south in Sparkbrook .
29 Since beginning this letter I have been with Nansen in the Samara district , where the conditions are even worse than in Saratov , in spite of the very good work done by the ARA in Samara and by the Friends in Bouzoulouk .
30 He looked into the wardrobes and through the drawers in the dressing-table and tallboy .
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