Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [adv] a small " in BNC.

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1 Cranston delved into a small leather pouch he had taken from his saddle-bag , undid the cord at the neck and drew out a small vase containing the poison he had taken from Springall 's house .
2 She rummaged in a Gucci handbag and took out a small bottle of aspirins .
3 Meh'Lindi reached into the trunk and lifted out a small tentacle , which squirmed as it left the stasis-field .
4 With that he reached into the pocket of his white overall and took out a small pair of scissors .
5 I sat with my head in my hands for a while , then I went over to my desk and took out a small framed photograph of Anne and myself which I always hid before she arrived .
6 He liked the straw mattress and pulled out a small leather pouch which Corbett recognised as being in common use by clerks in the Chancery or envoys on their travels .
7 Two or three numbers might be required as input to a calculation lasting several hours , impossible to accomplish except by computer and producing only a small volume of output .
8 They exchanged code words with Harvey , then each of them opened his shirt and fished out a small key on a neck-chain .
9 He went to the middle of the field and spread out a small tablecloth .
10 She reached into her saddlebag and drew out a small cloth containing white clay which she had taken from Wynne-Jones 's lodge and which she had used in the making of Moondream .
11 She shielded the flame with a cool slim hand while the tobacco caught , then threw back her head and blew out a small stream of smoke .
12 They would however presumably agree that since the great majority of manufacturing firms are small businesses and employ only a small number of people , there would still be scope in manufacture for a considerable extension of the industrial co-operative sector .
13 He put his hand in his jacket and brought out a small package .
14 To fill the vertical joints , turn the hawk and separate off a small amount of mortar , lifting it on the underside of the trowel
15 His wife went over to a casket and took out a small roll of parchment .
16 Heather gave him an affectionate grin and held out a small white porcelain swan .
17 Perhaps through your letters page you will allow me this opportunity to urge all pencil manufacturers to consider making available their full range of leads ( coloured as well as graphite ) for holder use and saving annually a small forest of cedar wood and other trees used in producing the pleasing but expense and wasteful product .
18 And eventually in exasperation the bird flew a short way down the beach and picked up a small stone in its beak and then it returned and it bashed the shell repeatedly until it cracked it open and it was able to get at the contents inside .
19 Paid-in capital by member countries amounts to about 10 per cent of subscribed capital and represents only a small part of the total funds obtained by the EIB .
20 Mrs Bradford went to a drawer and brought out a small inlaid box .
21 He put a hand into a pocket of his elegant duster coat and brought out a small .22 pistol that he pointed at my face .
22 He scrabbled in Molassi 's red box and handed over a small multicoloured disc , marked ZAGRAT SHEER EVENT SHIFT Patent Licence 110044 .
23 Aunt Emily fumbled beneath her pillows and pulled out a small fat volume bound in red morocco .
24 Currently some 28,000 co-operative farms and 2,600,000 ejidatarios accounted for half of all arable land but contributed only a small percentage of gross national income , and much of the country 's food was imported .
25 He rummaged in his bag and brought over a small package and dropped it into her hand .
26 BARE ROOTED : This means the trees have been pulled up by their roots and have only a small chance of survival if planted out .
27 She saw Ellen 's father reach behind one of the barrels and draw out a small sack .
28 ‘ I 'd like to set your wrist and put on a small plaster , which will take a little time to dry .
29 The Assistant Secretary put a large floppy handbag on the table and took out a small handkerchief .
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