Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 By the length of the pause that followed , before he opened his eyes and looked dazedly down to see what fate had granted him , he went in some devout fear of his deserving .
2 They gave up their attempts to cross the Swamp and set out instead to get round it .
3 When are you going to give up the life of a gypsy and settle down here to become eccentric and safe ? ’
4 His head still spun slightly as he followed the words and looked upwards intermittently to see by the expression of a face if someone had forgotten their lines .
5 ‘ I do n't see that I have to ‘ admit ’ anything , ’ she shot back hotly , stung by his words and struggling once again to contain her temper .
6 Perhaps she should steal Contralto and gallop off alone to find the edge of Haling Heart .
7 Of course , unless the pilot is aware that the glider is stalled , he is bound to respond instinctively at first , applying full aileron and rudder to try to stop the rapid wing-drop and pulling right back to try to stop the nose dropping .
8 Kevin Brown , the reigning North-East half marathon champion , was troubled by a stitch but battled on gamely to finish in 33rd position in 67.11 .
9 I called the local council who told me the wasps were best left until the end of the season when they would follow their queen and find somewhere else to live .
10 Far from hibernating in winter and emerging only briefly to feed , when the temperature drops the fish reverse their feeding habits and dine in the dark .
11 The challenge for Europe 's left parties will be to overcome party patriotism and work out how to construct majorities in the new era , for traditional parties of the right , also , can manage only about a 40 per cent turnout , if that .
12 Peeling potatoes and worrying how best to retain their vitamin C , Scarlet has plenty of time to worry about other things , such as why she is so much more timid than her best friend Constance and what she can do to improve relations between her dour , monotonic husband and Camille , her daughter from her first marriage .
13 She remembered her last encounter with Alexander and failed yet again to understand her own behaviour .
14 If he lacked Zhivkov 's taste , Ceauşescu showed greater consistency of purpose : Zhivkov survived his fall and lived long enough to explain that he had not really been a Communist after all ; Ceauşescu never gave his judges the satisfaction of hearing him renounce his beliefs .
15 She took her drink to the salon , where the remains of the fire still glowed , and after a while she put on the lamps and went slowly across to look at the paintings .
16 But Foggo was clearly not prepared to surrender her national No 1 position without a fight and held on bravely to finish 1.61sec ahead in 8min 53.19sec .
17 In August he went again to Switzerland , and for a week in September he looked after his grandniece who had travelled to London to see him ; but then he contracted athlete 's foot and had once again to enter a nursing home .
18 Those few that escape being eaten form pairs and go off together to find a nest site in a crevice in the ground or a crack in a tree .
19 Luiza and Freddi have n't worked all winter , so feel they might just as well rent out their Salzburg apartment and come up here to wait for rehearsals to begin .
20 Then he put down the knife and took the sticky thing in his fingers and started very slowly to eat it .
21 I careered down the snow-slope below and sat in the shelter of a boulder to watch Roger abseil down the ice pitch , coiled the ropes and climb carefully down to join me for a marvellously welcome brew under the Shelter Stone .
22 All too often 50 or more prints are ordered from black and white photography and sent out indiscriminately to complete sections of the media list .
23 The biggest of the children , a girl with a sweet , oval face and a stout stomach that strained the buttons of her green print dress , handed the baby she was carrying to a smaller sister and stepped eagerly forward to stand beside Martha .
24 Then after 24 days , the young break holes in the skin and swim swiftly away to seek safe hiding places .
25 The mixture was heated to 90°C and cooled down slowly to form the hybrids .
26 Well this is the risk you have to take but er , and it 's a , it 's a profit at this stage where er people are coming up to receiving lump sums in retirement and wonder how best to invest it , well seems to me there 's no better investment than to , than to put it into tax free sources that you have available to you .
27 The University 's approach to financial planning ( as has been explained on previous occasions ) is essentially conservative , in that its systems are aimed at forecasting what funds will be available during the planning period and deciding how best to apply them to the academic priorities already identified .
28 He pulled on his trousers and went quickly over to turn up the music , moving his head from side to side in time to the beat .
29 I did the best I could with the five keys that would produce a sound and vowed never again to sit in a cupboard .
30 You will know about using the voice and body and know how not to exhaust yourself .
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