Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [pron] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where the eye often used to be bruised by hectic entrances and exits , Page now keeps his dancers on the stage , shifting them around in complex patterns or gathering them up in long architectural phrases .
2 He had taken one hand from the wheel and held it up in protest .
3 I understand that Wyre Borough Council are standardising all the play equipment throughout the borough and bringing it up to British Standards safety requirements .
4 It 's like I took a completed album of all kinds of different songs and threw it up in the air and it came crashing down .
5 The unarmed man then produced a buff-coloured plastic ID card and held it up in front of Vasili .
6 Tie a cord to each bottom ring and thread it up through the rings on each tape .
7 Claudia closed her eyes and gave herself up to sheer sensation .
8 Erm well perhaps before I answer that question Mr Chairman , I could just briefly skim across the programme and bring you up to date as to where we are and then we 'll go directly on to that point .
9 It was a kind of loop and roll that dodged the pursuing aircraft and brought you up behind it .
10 Her hands stole up his chest , then to his shoulders , and finally she clasped them behind his neck and gave herself up to the pleasure of the kiss .
11 If she let it , the food would jump into her mouth and swell her up to grossness .
12 A correspondent for Cornhill Magazine , who claimed that in order to gain an inside understanding of ‘ The Science of Garotting ’ he had visited an experienced convict in his cell and offered himself up as a guinea-pig victim , described the main elements of this ‘ most inclement ruffianism that ever disgraced a nineteenth century ’ .
13 ‘ You 're the fourteenth person who 's worked out I 'm staying with Lucy and phoned me up with crazy stories about Liam .
14 Alternatively , use standard furnishing fabric and match it up to other furnishings in the room .
15 THE EBDG group 's chairman , Paul Bennetts , has welcomed the Commons vote and followed it up with a plea to quickly rejoin the ERM .
16 We have teamed up with Phonogram records to fly you and a guest to the States and put you up in a swanky hotel for a week 's luxury holiday .
17 Just look at that ( stabbing a piece and holding it up in mid-air ) .
18 In the evening rush-hour a lorry had skidded into a car and jammed it up against one of the pillar-boxes outside the hospital .
19 She brushed past Penry , eluding the hand he put out to detain her as she ran outside to the car , deaf to his entreaties as she jumped in the car and started it up with a violent rev of the engine .
20 He winced as she dabbed disinfectant on the cut and covered it up for him .
21 Jack looped an arm round her shoulders and tugged her up against his side .
22 ‘ We intend to keep it in its present immaculate condition and to taxi her up to take-off speeds at regular intervals to keep the engines and flight systems in perfect working order .
23 Zoe will continue to monitor the progress of both our psoriasis sufferers over the coming months and keep us up to date with how they 're doing .
24 Thus the liner is effectively sealed between three rows of bricks and brings it up above water level , preventing seepage .
25 Now 26 , she spent many years after college hitchhiking around the world , drifting through the punk scene in San Francisco to demonstrations in Dallas , squats in Amsterdam and the women 's peace camp in Cosmo , Italy , before a British producer recognised her itinerant musical talent and signed her up with the bestselling Texas Campfire Tapes LP .
26 With a muffled groan she rolled on to her side and screwed herself up into a tight ball , alternately hot and shivery with emotion .
27 The reason for storing data and keeping it up to date is to provide information to managers for decisions .
28 Often clients think they know best and have the trade publication editor to lunch or ring him up with titbits and gossip .
29 Naturally , I can resist anything but flattery and lapped it up like a hungry cat does milk .
30 She took the paper napkin from her lap and crunched it up into a tight ball , dropping it on to her plate .
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