Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cyril Brooks , of the York Pastoral Centre , cycled from York to John O'Groats then to Lands End and back to York , a total of approximately 2,000 miles .
2 Gratuities were paid to Mrs. Pemberton and also to Mrs. Cossart , whose husband had taught Modern Languages for 25 years , and one of £100 was offered to Johnston the Clerk when he retired , but he declined .
3 Good header on by Ormanroyd it 's gone over Speedy 's head cleared by David Phillips but only to Lewis .
4 It 's Mother Benedicta or back to Manfro Draper .
5 tracks at Scrubs Lane , which connected with South London and so to Charlton Works .
6 We have written further to the European Commissioner with a responsibility for transport , Mr Karl Van Miert and also to Commissioner Bruce Millan , urging them to accept the opinion of the Parliament .
7 Travel details : Cruise departs Miami , calling at Nassau in the Bahamas ' New Providence Island and on to CocoCay island before returning to Miami .
8 Maureen covers an area which stretches from Swansea to Wootton Bassett and across to Birmingham .
9 The Way continues to Bredon Hill and on to Ashton-under-Hill taking it into the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty .
10 Today I was following not the valley path of the corpse way but the pathway to Keld that runs above Northgang Scar from which the views across to Black Hill and up to Swinner Gill are wonderful .
11 Where the main leisure route turns left to Culworth , continue on the A361 through Chipping Warden and on to Wardington .
12 Leaving the phone-booth , Quinn walked back into Blandford Street and down to Blackwood 's Hotel .
13 Of course the Sandinista media shout that all this is due to Mr Reagan and now to Mr Bush .
14 They will travel through the Bay of Biscay , down the Mediterranean , around the coast of North Africa , passing the Gulf of Guinea , into the Atlantic Ocean and on to Cape Town .
15 Some of the stories were pretty fanciful and involved helicopters and mercenaries but at least one claimed that Blake would be helped to escape by another prisoner and once free would go to East Germany and thence to Russia .
16 From 1957 to 1959 he was married to Anna Kashfi and then to Movita Castenada from 1960 to 1961 .
17 in relation to er adjustices erm we can not support the Liberal Democrats er motions in relation to er , to T five , Mrs 's is , is right in saying our representatives of , of Hertfordshire who represent her own who represent erm Hertfordshire , we are also sort of citizens of the United Kingdom and not to afternoon we , er what ever it is now .
18 From anarchist opponents of authority such as William Godwin and Robert Paul Wolff through moderate supporters such as John Rawls and Joseph Raz and on to enthusiasts such as Hobbes , Hannah Arendt and Michael Oakeshott , a considerable chorus of students have echoed the refrain that the directives … of authority are to be obeyed by B irrespective of B 's judgments of their merits ’ .
19 From Castle Cary the Way passes to the left of the George Hotel into Paddock Drain , onto Lodge Hill and across to North Cadbury .
20 As she read on , day after day , often by candlelight , through St Matthew and St Mark and on to St Luke and St John it seemed to her a message was reaching her and that message was that she must face her own wickedness .
21 With absolute unselfishness , she devoted her life and resources to the building of the church on Edge Hill and later to rescue work in the East End .
22 The route continues south-west to Cairn Lochan and on to Ben Macdhui itself .
23 The women in this book fall essentially into two groups — those who come directly from certain peasant societies of India , Pakistan and Bangladesh and those whose families migrated from the same peasant backgrounds first to East Africa and then to Britain .
24 In Slovakia the main rivers are either too low or , if big enough , heavily polluted , so I decided to try the Samos River from the Rumanian border to the Tisza River and on to Tokai ( the wine ) .
25 He accepted the original challenge from Technology plc and said : ‘ I 'd like to express my appreciation to Walsall FC and especially to Technology plc , who arranged the coach for the CMS team 's 15 spectators who travelled down to Walsall and for organising the match officials and buffet in the evening . ’
26 At the end of the month , and before the investigation began , Ibrahim went first to Sri Lanka and then to Europe .
27 He clinked his cup against Li Yuan 's , then raised it in offering , first to Wu Tsai and finally to Fei Yen .
28 A bite to eat , some relaxing television , an hour with Dorothy Wordsworth and so to bed .
29 Situated within easy walking distance of New Street and close to shops , restaurants , theatres and adjacent to the Chinese Quarter .
30 That is to say no French government and probably no French political party at this time was willing to concede the principle of secession ; and the permanent loss of Indochina would obviously have made it harder to hold on to French North Africa and even to Black Africa .
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