Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Valkyrie was chosen from some 20,235 entrants in a name-a-plane content — there were thirteen entries suggesting this name , but the winner , Air Force T/Sgt Francis W Seiler posted his entry first .
2 BUBBLING OVER : World champion Nigel Mansell celebrates his record ninth win after a brilliant drive in the Portguese Grand Prix yesterday .
3 Sir Anthony launched his investigation last November following complaints by MPs and after an independent report into the DTI 's role by the former Monopolies Commission chairman , Sir Godfray Le Quesne , which the then Trade Secretary , Lord Young , concluded cleared his department of any responsibility .
4 Clearly worried by growing opposition to reforms that have drastically eroded living standards , Mr Yeltsin reshuffled his government last week in an attempt to shield some of the younger , more radical ministers he appointed last autumn from the wrath of the Congress .
5 AN ENGLISH springer spaniel named Millie enabled President Bush to treble his income last year .
6 Also in October 1990 , Grainne de Burca became our long-wished-for second Fellow in Law .
7 She and her husband had only moved to a government-sponsored caravan park south of Miami after Hurricane Andrew destroyed their home last August .
8 Doc Threadneedle parked his bike next to two Maniak sickles , and chained it to the hitching post , setting the boobycharges in the padlock to blow if anybody tried to tamper with it .
9 BANISHED weightlifter Andrew Davies protested his innocence last night and said he would take legal action to clear his name .
10 Stephen Dorrell , 40 , an unimpressive former junior health minister , takes over the Financial Secretary job left vacant when Francis Maude lost his seat last week .
11 TV Penny puts her story first
12 TELEVISION magician Paul Daniels waved his wand last night and dispelled some mumbo jumbo .
13 Blackbrook Recs maintained their form last week with a fine win at Simms Cross .
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