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1 Commenting on more ghastly figures ( see opposite ) Philips Electronics NV chairman Jan Timmer said the Dutch multinational 's performance in 1992 's fourth quarter , which is normally the strongest of the year as people buy electronic toys for Christmas , was very disappointing , and that no let-up in price erosion had so far been seen for 1993 .
2 Group chairman Kneale Ashwell said the deepening world recession had left them with no option but to cut jobs .
3 Club president Jim Carnegie said the new floodlit pitch , which replaces a heavily-worn dry play area , represented the culmination of two years ' planning and fund-raising .
4 Old Bailey Judge Neil Denison said the 38-year-old salesman would remain dangerous after his release .
5 Birmingham newsagent Daniel Clarke said the main problem was not the absence of a death penalty but the sinister influence of drugs on young people who committed crimes when ‘ out of their minds ’ .
6 Fashion consultant Satpal Jandu said the new style showed a ‘ no-holds-barred ’ approach to fashion by Joe Bloggs — incredibly sexy clothes with a slight hint of sexual deviance and whip-lashing bondage .
7 Pathologist Dr Christopher Foster said the 45year-old woman died as the result of a stroke .
8 Deputy editor Matthew Symonds said the only way the move could be economic was if one of The Times 's rivals was forced out of business .
9 In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph at the end of his second year as Archbishop , Dr George Carey said the next 12 months would be difficult for the Church as it focused on the ordination of women to the priesthood .
10 Cattle specialist Chris Elliott said the overall winner had increased his margin over purchased feeds by more than £200 and the margin over concentrate per litre by 2p .
11 West Yorkshire police said the 26-year-old guard was on duty at the depot in Jacob 's Well Lane early yesterday when he was confronted by the armed man .
12 Mr Justice Saville said the Commercial Court was a part of the Queen 's Bench and he would not exclude observers unless he was given a good reason to do so .
13 Mr Justice Hutchison said the 1936 Act primarily envisages a system where the local authority has a power and a duty to try to secure that premises are not in a state which constitutes a statutory nuisance .
14 Borough engineer Jim Gordon said the practical problems of installing monitoring equipment could be solved .
15 Opposition leader Neil Kinnock said the Prime Minister 's past predictions of recovery had been ‘ absurdly wrong ’ .
16 OUP distribution director Neil Killip said the new VAT regime had complicated an already difficult situation .
17 Appeal judge Sir Stephen Brown said the High Court had had no power to make a residence order and blamed Nottinghamshire for an ‘ unhappy catalogue of errors ’ .
18 Mr de Klerk said the National Party government decided in 1974 to develop a nuclear capability when Soviet expansionism under the late President Leonid Brezhnev was a growing threat in southern Africa .
19 Mr De Haan said the original reason for going public was his father 's concern that as a private company , with no market in its shares , the family might one day be faced with the prospect of having to sell the entire business to meet death duties .
20 Council leader Mike Carr said the annual budget , to be presented to members today , was a Government budget because £1.4m in spending cuts had been imposed by environment secretary Michael Howard .
21 Appeals director Charles Holden said the planned pit closures will reduce the charity 's income by £175,000 through lost donations from miners .
22 Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine said the Prime Minister was not on probation .
23 But Conservative leader Tony Richmond said the latest approach from embassy staff in London was ‘ a golden opportunity ’ to improve trade links with a foreign power .
24 Speaking at the funeral of 17-year-old Damien Fegan , Fr Martin Kelly said the dead youth 's mother had a message for young people involved in the craze .
25 EC Commissioner Henning Christophersen said the five-year loan was highly exceptional , ‘ but then we 're in a highly exceptional situation ’ .
26 EC Commissioner Henning Christophersen said the five-year loan was highly exceptional , ‘ but then we 're in a highly exceptional situation ’ .
27 Organiser Andrew Gemmell said the rare breeds were growing in popularity , with more farmers taking them on , not just as a hobby but as livestock to help out on farms .
28 Marketing manager Mitch Hatfield said the 1970–71 season shirt had been produced after careful research .
29 Further north , customers flocked to the Arndale Centre in Manchester where manager David Jones said the 200 shops were ‘ heaving ’ .
30 HISTORIC war department buildings in Essex are being restored to their former glory.Jobless volunteers have started clearing overgrowth from around the wartime buildings at Beacon Hill , Harwich , paving the way for full restoration work in the future.The work is being organised by NACRO , the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders , on behalf of the Essex Training and Enterprise Council.Project supervisor Ray Rawlinson said the 18 people working at Beacon Hill were long-term unemployed and did not have criminal records.The buildings date back to the Napoleonic wars were updated during the first and second world wars .
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