Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [noun] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Dulcie Howes , who wrote that comment to me , had told the Cape Town critic Denis Hatfield at the time that John would never really be a dancer but that he had ‘ such a remarkable eye for balletic pattern , an imagination so vivid , and such an ear for music in relation to movement ’ that she was certain he would make a choreographer .
2 He is in the middle of an unseemly row with Virgin Airways and was criticized in a memo from Lord Hanson to Sir Timothy Bell at the time of the abortive takeover battle between Hanson and ICI .
3 Turner , who was helping old mate Barry Fry at the time , moved on to his present job .
4 The early morning blaze in Grangetown , Middlesbrough , was spotted by a neighbour , who alerted 19-year-old Julie Silcock asleep upstairs with her 21-month-old baby Clare Louise at the time .
5 In a mood of increasing depression Johnson , a West Brom player at the time , rang home to Sutton Coldfield .
6 He singled out bowler Curtly Ambrose and Viv Richards , the West Indies skipper at the time , for ‘ sledging ’ , cricketing parlance for verbal abuse from the opposition during a game .
7 However , the story starts twenty seven years ago when Anne Marie 's mother Therese worked as a P.A. to Father Benjamin Winterborne at the time of the opening of the chaplaincy centre at Manchester University .
8 The third chapel on the right is called the Crucifixion chapel because it contains a wooden crucifix carried in procession by San Carlo Borromeo during the time of the plague of 1576 .
9 His was an ancient family , the first Oswald Mosley dating from the time of the Tudors .
10 If there is detrital material in the stalagmite , such as clay and limestone , it will not have a zero TL signal at the time of the stalagmite 's formation .
11 A Somerset vicar of the time complained in his diary : The law is too lenient to the poor in this Kingdom .
12 Vivienne — with Bernie backing her up as Malcolm was in the States , having extended his visit after striking up a rapport with The New York Dolls at the time — talked me into doing it .
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