Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [noun pl] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the Upper Primary the pupils develop an increasing sense of belonging to the wider community of Heriot 's and can take even fuller advantage of the specialist teaching and facilities offered to them .
2 Now in this case the police have the burning proof we have to satisfy you of in particular three things .
3 A vineyard needs at least 400–500 millimetres of water per year : in Champagne the vines receive an annual average of 662 millimetres of rain over 176 days .
4 In many cases the buildings show the Nordic influence of the long house with farm buildings attached , sheltering man and his animals under the same roof , and the gallery may be on the house or barn .
5 In addition the columns supporting a fifteenth-century monumental tomb , previously thought to be Byzantine , have now been identified as Roman , adapted and reworked for their new site with sixth-century capitals made from Carrara marble by Byzantine craftsmen ( therefore made in Rome ) .
6 Sign O The Times offered the bleak social realism of the title song , an unusually piercing glimpse into the artist 's soul on The Cross , plus fragments of incandescent musicianship .
7 Of course the paras make a valuable contribution .
8 After several hours the police gave the all clear .
9 It might only be pebbles against Patriots , and the Inspirals might be as interested in the ephemera of psychedelic pop and training shoes as they are in delivering any deeper message , but to their new American fans the Inspirals represent a special hope , an idea that something more sensitive than Guns N' Roses and Madonna might thrive .
10 ‘ Here in Mexico the Spaniards topped every Aztec temple to Huitzilopochtli , every pyramid , either with a church or a statue of the Virgin Mary .
11 From Malton the Scots sent no fewer than nine men and eighteen horses to Bridlington to take as much bread , wine and beer as they wished in exchange for a somewhat qualified immunity .
12 In the United States the courts exercise a good deal of influence quite independently of the other branches of government .
13 Look for the enclosed green Wallet now ! ’ and four free opportunities to win prizes , which must irritate those who can see that if everybody gets four opportunities the odds remain the same .
14 At the actual erm meeting which put this into practice the Conservatives suggested a phased in method , some now and some later , and this would have relieved a certain amount of hardship .
15 By the end of the boom the machines confronting the average worker not only were more numerous than before but also bore little resemblance to those in use two decades previously .
16 It is a stem plant with opposite 10cm long and 1cm wide leaves , and under sufficient light the leaves assume a deep red colour .
17 During raids on members ' homes the police seized a large amount of weapons as well as racist and anti-immigrant literature .
18 In the lower part of this figure the dots indicate the two-dimensional locations of the labelled spots in the right retina of R151 .
19 To make matters worse , even in their depleted condition the cities remained a vital source of income to the government .
20 In Poitou the inhabitants spoke a northern French dialect ; to the south , from Saintonge onwards , the vernacular was Limousin , a dialect of Provençal or Occitan , the language of troubadour poetry and very different from the French of the north , the Langue d'Œuil , as opposed to the Langue d'Oc of the south .
21 We see : in ex.5a the first violins with this theme combination ; in ex.5b the first oboe in a parallel spot ; in ex.5c on the upper stave the cellos ( in the tenor clef ) first with the twice-repeated dotted linear theme , then the angular four-note theme , marked with strokes , joining ( now in the bass clef ) in bar 401 the basses in a third of the five themes ; on the lower stave the basses announcing the angular theme , with strokes , followed by a dotted fragment of the linear theme ( in support of the cellos ) leading into the third theme with its signal-like opening and descending quaver passagework .
22 In both countries the democrats put the failed generals in jail — disgraced , but not forgotten by their fellow-officers .
23 In the South the Democrats gained the prized states of Florida and Texas .
24 Before the 1967 Act the labs had a hard time of it , I can tell you , when all scientific evidence had to be given orally .
25 In the corridor the youngsters give a sarcastic cheer .
26 F. The Vikings had a central place at York .
27 With the problems encountered by the 1981 census in Northern Ireland the CHS represents a major potential data source for secondary analysis by researchers both in Northern Ireland and in Britain .
28 At the moment the police have no conclusive evidence that Mr Riddle is dead , but if he is there is no reason to connect his death with the Wheel . ’
29 If you look back to 1974 you 'll discover that our vote lifted at precisely the moment the Tories tried the same game .
30 In any case rail rates were high and for coal transport the canals seemed a logical proposition , especially at a time of economic recession .
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