Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] our [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 The Museum is a registered Charity with no public funding and Mick Miller , Finance Trustee , said : ‘ This sponsorship is a very generous gesture and we are delighted that this has come from an enterprising local company which has pledged support for our activities for the next three years . ’
2 We knew in 1985 that when we made our preliminary announcement of our results for the previous financial year that we would become technically insolvent .
3 Please encourage people to contribute to this fund as it consistently fails to cover the annual costs of the education of our students for the priesthood .
4 BPT marketing director Sue Rutherford said : ‘ We plan to assemble a variety of familiar high street retailers to form the bedrock of our plans for the Cornmill . ’
5 We need to ensure that the management of community care is improved to meet the needs of those who are discharged from hospitals and , more particularly , of those who have never been long-stay patients in our hospitals for the mentally ill .
6 Whilst the 1985 Act obliges us to ‘ afford access to our lands for the purposes of knowledge and enjoyment ’ , it is perhaps true to say that most visitors , possibly as many as 95% , make use of the Gardens as an amenity , and that we may have failed to emphasise the ‘ knowledge ’ goal .
7 The assessments made by the defence staff establish the right shape for our defences for the 1990s .
8 An essential element in our proposals for the secondary school is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing : what it is about , what form it should take , and to whom it is addressed .
9 our party 's we 've arranged our Christmas party for our residents for the nineteenth of
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