Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which he would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
2 To assess the damages it is necessary to form a view upon three matters each of which is in greater or lesser degree one of speculation : ( 1 ) the value of the material benefits for his dependants which the deceased would have provided out of his earnings for each year in the future during which he would have provided for them had he not been killed : ( 2 ) the value of any material benefits which the dependants will be able to obtain in each such year from sources ( other than insurance ) which would not have been available to them had the deceased lived but which will become available to them as a result of his death : ( 3 ) the amount of the capital sum which , with prudent management , will produce annual amounts equal to the difference between ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) ( that is " the dependency " ) for each of the years during which the deceased would have provided material benefits for the dependants had he not been killed .
3 The colour left her skin , her pale face showing a deep fear at the way he was crushing her to his body , the whipcord strength of his arms and the determination of his roaming fingers giving her an idea of the violence with which he would take her .
4 He foresaw a partnership in which he would pursue his sporting and eccentric intellectual interests and keep in close touch with female confidantes .
5 Naihe from Ka'u on the Big Island was so expert a surfer that his fellow chiefs grew jealous and plotted to lure him into a surfing contest in which he would die .
6 He soon became a familiar hazard with his dog Kim , ‘ the village terror ’ , and his car in which he would career at fully twenty miles an hour down the narrow lanes .
7 He asked his players for their loyalty to him , in return for which he would do his best to improve their conditions .
8 Moreover , he did not envisage any circumstances in which he would exercise a right to intervene .
9 On Nov. 6 ( when details of and the timetable for the party leadership election were announced ) he repeated , however , his oft-repeated formulation that he could foresee no circumstances in which he would stand against Thatcher for the leadership .
10 Nevertheless , at least in public , he reiterated his previous position that there were no foreseeable circumstances in which he would challenge Mrs Thatcher .
11 Heseltine declares that he can not foresee the circumstances in which he would challenge her for the leadership .
12 He means that he can not foresee the circumstances in which he would win .
13 Anyway , he always told himself that this would be the last time ; this time he would find some really good job in which he would get on really well and his talents would be appreciated and people would like him and he would surprise all his Tormentors , so there would be no reason to go through the whole fraught and sapping business of signing on again .
14 There was a limit to the amount of drama in which he would involve himself .
15 Brian had chosen Bath as a place to which he would take Celia the following weekend , partly because it was not too far away and partly because he remembered how happy they had been there before .
16 If anyone was to blame , it was the anti-drugs policy of successive governments , and especially president Richard Nixon 's , but that 's another talking point on which he would hold forth at the drop of a hat .
17 ‘ Thus skidding violently from one side to the other , his youth approached the moment at which he would begin to be a person . ’
18 The point at which Draper categorically said ‘ You ca n't do this ’ would be the point at which he would have to leave .
19 Often Morton had told himself savagely that there would soon be a point at which he would lose interest in the prospect of salvaging them .
20 According to Soviet sources , however , the US side had softened its previous position that Najibullah would have to be removed from power before elections could be held , and was now considering a compromise under which he would remain President but would give up control of the military , the security police and the media to non-partisan bodies .
21 2.47 Lord Pearson would have awarded a multiplicand of £4,000 from which he would have deducted £250 for the accelerated receipt of the £10,000 .
22 A vivid example of this occurred in the Hadmor case [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 191 where Lord Denning in the Court of Appeal relied on his own researches into Hansard in reaching his conclusions : in the House of Lords , counsel protested that there were other passages to which he would have wished to draw the court 's attention had he known that Lord Denning was looking at Hansard : see the Hadmor case at p. 233 .
23 Opposing traits in his make-up were already evident during his last year at school , when he was voted both class optimist and class pessimist , though , at that time , he had yet to appreciate certain complexities of character on which he would draw for his screen creations .
24 When Peter made his profession of faith at Caesarea Philippi , Jesus declared that this was the rock foundation on which he would build his Church , which realisation provided the keys of the Kingdom ( Matt.
25 That afternoon ( it was all on a Sunday ) he saw Chamberlain , and having directly asked him whether he agreed with the others and having received an affirmative answer , told him to call a meeting of the Shadow Cabinet for the following day at which he would say goodbye .
26 In a rather confused , uncertain , period Reagan stood out as an upbeat , optimistic candidate who , despite his failings , had an easily understood programme and a clear sense of the direction in which he would take his country , if given the opportunity .
27 They wished their uncle would come and they could vanish into the huge car but no motor could be heard in the direction from which he would come .
28 But the second perspective is that the rent review clause is the landlord 's price for the grant of a long term , in the absence of which he would have granted a shorter term .
29 Some of the lighter moments around the time of the release of Easy Rider and Nicholson 's coming-out party , provided contrasting and bizarre elements which were all relevant to the age in which he would become established as their hero .
30 But in a sense , too , she knew that Louise was not wrong to worry about Harry committing such a blunder , for Harry , moving in the social circles in which he would move , if he survived the siege , to the day of his death , would almost certainly suffer the inconveniences of having such a wife , would regret his marriage , and perhaps in due course would come to believe that his life had been ruined .
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