Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [pron] [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 ( This implies of course that consciousness in animals is a hypothesis for which there can be no evidence at all unless we resort to anthropomorphism , which we usually do . )
2 A subordinate may have a responsibility for which he will be called to account by his superior ; a board of directors may have a responsibility to its shareholders ; and a government in a democracy will have a responsibility to the electorate .
3 From this , nursing managers can calculate the peak periods across the whole unit and also identify times for which it would be beneficial to employ part-time staff .
4 Fears were expressed by some of those present that the Government emphasis — and funding — would be concentrated on practical research for which there might be some profitable return rather than on basic research which carried less obvious spin-offs .
5 My Lords , the , the point made by the Noble Lord is that it is an important one erm it is important that teachers do feel comfortable with this subject and to that end the erm grant for education support and training is making money available and religious education has been added to the number of subjects for which it can be made available to help with er improving specialisms in schools , but also pr improving co-ordination for religious education in schools .
6 The problems lie in the presupposition that moral duty is an absolute rule in the sense of a rule for which there can be no exceptions .
7 Certain moral considerations are involved in his actions , yet they are not absolute in the sense that they are an infallible guide to conduct , or constitute a rule for which there can be no exception .
8 I can not believe that the Masai , as I know them , would have applied for membership of an association of which they must be completely ignorant' .
9 To keep prisoners so near to a frontier on the far side of which they would be free , could seem a casual or risky policy , but it is hard to imagine anyone actually escaping from Le Portalet , whose grated windows you can see from the road , with a nasty drop of a good 100 feet straight on to the rocks beneath them .
10 This applies to all disputes , but it is the territorial disputes with religious backgrounds that are causing so much suffering , and which so badly need a completely new criterion against which they can be judged .
11 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
12 All such options need to be examined for their effectiveness in reducing emissions so as to achieve air quality standards , as well as for their technical and economic feasibility , the speed with which they can be implemented , and their enforceability .
13 Earls Court made a successful return to hosting seated events last year , in a move made possible by new developments in demountable seating and the speed with which they can be constructed and dismantled .
14 Advances in computer technology have improved the possibilities for the amount of information that can be stored , the speed with which it can be retrieved , the level of sophistication of information analysis and the simulation of future possibilities .
15 One advantage of computerized typesetting was the speed with which it could be learned .
16 The words furnished tenancy would be empty vessels into which anything could be poured .
17 For the majority however , there is a bewildering and highly application or culture-specific variety of high level units into which they may be divided .
18 Three of the 64 Berkshire commoners are refusing to accept a deal under which they would be paid about £750 each to forfeit rights over the built-up part of the US Air Force base and agree not to exercise them in other areas .
19 The Collector selected just two more of these pistols , a small and reliable five-barrelled pistol by Lefaucheux of Paris , which he wanted to load and give to Miriam , and the English revolving pistol by Adams , which had caused such a stir at Woolwich by its lightness and by the rapidity with which it could be loaded and fired ( up to ten times a minute had been claimed for it ) .
20 This study will examine various organisational forms of international collaboration in defence and civilian research and development ( R&D ) and attempt to formulate a set of variables with which they can be evaluated and collaboration as a form of organisation assessed .
21 There is no biographical key with which it can be unlocked — and I have not been trying to turn one in this essay of mine , which does not believe it , for that matter , to be locked .
22 Christianity is a religion in which there can be development precisely because it is a historical religion , tied to history .
23 The matrix does not pretend to show organizational units within which there may be a mixture of growing , mature and declining sub-elements .
24 Again it had slithered in on his holiday , and , worst , it was a murder in which he would be interrogated .
25 The Plymouth interest , that final point , is I believe as clear as Cornwall 's and the natural links in South Devon would provide the basis for a seat in which it could be better represented .
26 However , unlike definitions , there is no convenient repository from which they can be instantly extracted .
27 She had known their affair had to end or it would destroy them both , but now that it was about to do so , she was terrified of a future in which there would be no Luke , not even Luke causing her unhappiness .
28 We have seen by now in a good number of cases , including those immediately above , that when one takes account of the interaction between the meanings of particular words and the value of the constructions in which they may be used , it is often easy to see why certain structures are grammatical , and others are not ; this may enable us to say in turn why other related structures are ungrammatical .
29 As the campaign proceeded , I kept quiet as I began to have a vision of some grisly post-polling day ceremony in which I would be on a platform like a performance artist from the sixties , vomiting and gagging while attempting to ingest yet another page : ‘ You 're doing okay .
30 But its use is not by any means the main function of the books in which it may be necessary , and there is little to be said about it .
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