Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which he [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
2 Thirdly , the obligation to pay loan interest on the due dates creates an immediate debt between the company and the loan stock holder for which he can sue , whereas a preference dividend does not become a debt until it is declared and due .
3 What really matters is not how the horse won , but that he did win , and that in doing so he ended his racecourse career displaying that sparkling but short-lived turn of foot for which he will long be remembered .
4 To assess the damages it is necessary to form a view upon three matters each of which is in greater or lesser degree one of speculation : ( 1 ) the value of the material benefits for his dependants which the deceased would have provided out of his earnings for each year in the future during which he would have provided for them had he not been killed : ( 2 ) the value of any material benefits which the dependants will be able to obtain in each such year from sources ( other than insurance ) which would not have been available to them had the deceased lived but which will become available to them as a result of his death : ( 3 ) the amount of the capital sum which , with prudent management , will produce annual amounts equal to the difference between ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) ( that is " the dependency " ) for each of the years during which the deceased would have provided material benefits for the dependants had he not been killed .
5 Much has already been said in the preceding pages about the subsequent progress through the learned hierarchy of the student who chose to become a muderris : with ability , luck , good connections or a combination of the three he would teach through a number of grades of medreses , eventually to turn to the mevleviyet kadiliks through which he might hope to rise ultimately to what had become by the end of the sixteenth century the principal office in the hierarchy , the Muftilik of Istanbul .
6 The Secretary of State may receive representations in the light of which he may decide to require a particular application to be referred to him for decision .
7 Without this , one can not begin to grasp the size and complexity of Charles ' achievements — such as the uncanny speed with which he could move troops across great distances .
8 Under the presiding genius of Roger , bishop of Salisbury , Henry 's most brilliant administrator — said to have been first chosen as chaplain by Henry ( whose tastes were different from the Confessor 's ) for the speed with which he could finish his mass — the English financial departments were achieving something of the efficiency and maturity of their Sicilian counterparts .
9 The colour left her skin , her pale face showing a deep fear at the way he was crushing her to his body , the whipcord strength of his arms and the determination of his roaming fingers giving her an idea of the violence with which he would take her .
10 He foresaw a partnership in which he would pursue his sporting and eccentric intellectual interests and keep in close touch with female confidantes .
11 Naihe from Ka'u on the Big Island was so expert a surfer that his fellow chiefs grew jealous and plotted to lure him into a surfing contest in which he would die .
12 The Rev John Boocock said he was looking forward to acting the David Dimbleby role as he gives up the regular ‘ sermon slot ’ for a full interview in which he will try and investigate the relationship between the church and education .
13 He soon became a familiar hazard with his dog Kim , ‘ the village terror ’ , and his car in which he would career at fully twenty miles an hour down the narrow lanes .
14 Johnson , however , fully aware of the likely number of biographers he might attract before and after his death , found here a biography in which he could have a say , thus not only securing his immortality , but controlling it .
15 For one way of denying someone the respect to which he is entitled is by failing to treat him as an autonomous agent , for example , by unreasonably restricting the range of alternative courses of action from which he can choose .
16 As for the conservation aim , there will initially be a greater , not a lesser , consumption of paper , if members are to be persuaded to be content with the summary , it will be necessary to undertake what the Regulations call a ‘ relevant consultation ’ which involves sending to each member both the full accounts for the financial year and a summary financial statement plus a postage-paid card on which he can make his choice for the future .
17 Keeping the pace firmly to a speed at which he could consider his answers , he relaxed as the hour passed , even smiled .
18 Harry held his breath , catching at that as at the first landmark by which he might hope to get his bearings .
19 He asked his players for their loyalty to him , in return for which he would do his best to improve their conditions .
20 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
21 Managers and engineers could not help but admire the assiduity and skill with which he could wear down his opponents in discussion , but for many of them this approach conflicted with other managerial values .
22 To his right a shorter flight of steps gave access to an equally dark corridor along which he must walk to reach his bedroom .
23 However , it is intended that they should extract from the reader that kind of critical attitude with which he should read this book from Chapter 1 onwards .
24 But Budworth was an honest man , and , as such , felt a compunction for the errors in which he might have unthinkingly involved the innocent and unsuspecting female .
25 This is a series of sentences or utterances in the student 's own words about any experiences in which he may have engaged ; useful for reading for beginners ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
26 His ‘ robust realism ’ results from the fact that he can not attain the standpoint of transcendental reflection from which he can notice what we take to be idealist tendencies in his work .
27 Ever since 1947 some Gaullists had recognized that the General 's willingness to prolong his role beyond periods of acute crisis — the only periods in which he could function as a consensual leader — risked compromising his mystique .
28 McCoist , whose next goal will be his fiftieth of the season for Rangers and Scotland , is in the midst of the kind of run in which he can do no wrong .
29 Only a small amount of money could be taken out of the country because of post-war restrictions and , as this was a personal rather than a business trip , he was forced to prepare lectures from which he could earn income while he was away .
30 Moreover , he did not envisage any circumstances in which he would exercise a right to intervene .
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