Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is associated with a reduction of freedom for the former group and increasing personal access to motorised transport for the latter .
2 Various Grand Met managers and executives now take the Institute of Chartered Secretaries ’ exams for the same reason that I did .
3 ( Hawks wear bells for the same reason as mountain cattle — so you can hear them when you ca n't see them . )
4 He evidently also wrote to the earl of Northumberland for the same purpose since the earl was raising men in the East Riding on 16 June ( the day after the duke 's letter reached York ) .
5 He evidently also wrote to the earl of Northumberland for the same purpose since the earl was raising men in the East Riding on 16 June ( the day after the duke 's letter reached York ) .
6 Hebrew letters might , therefore , have undergone differentiation for the former group and would certainly have become involved in some associations .
7 Asquith replied that the question of mandates was not so simple , but he was opposed to an election for the same reason as Unionists wanted one : — both knew that Home Rule was not a winning policy outside Ireland .
8 Gould was immediately attracted to the art of lithography for the same reasons as Lear — the relative inexpensiveness of production and the lack of training required — but he also saw great potential for Lear 's large-size format and colourful plates , which could , Gould thought , if properly promoted and well managed , prove extremely lucrative .
9 If they do not , then the ‘ pussy ’ miaows two more times for the same response and possible penalty before trying to get someone else to laugh .
10 Volume users should pay 30% to 40% less than on analogue cellular , lower-volume users will get three times as many minutes for the same price as cellular .
11 I have my doubts about the latter vision since archivists , librarians and museum creators deal with materials which are differentiated by the type of activities which created them , rather than simply by the physical form of those artefacts .
12 ( There is often a degree of integration between these ; this aims for the use of the same key-presses for the same effects and allows the transfer of data between functions . )
13 The Union organises meetings of its members , presents a comprehensive entertainments programme on all sites , and provides funds for the many clubs and societies in the University , as well as offering a wide range of services to students .
14 Advertisement er , revenue at Westminster Press ended the six months at about the , advert revenue about the same level as last year but it was below last year 's level early on , so in other words erm , advertisement volume is growing , because there 's next to no , there 's , the yield is about the same overall .
15 There was a lot of short-pitched bowling , with a vast array of slips and gullies , but Gooch ( 8 ) survived a low catch to Inzamam off Akram , and Stewart ( 14 ) was put down by the same fielder at full stretch off the same bowler when 14 .
16 If Eliot largely renounced his interest in childhood and in anthropology during the few years that followed , he gave up neither entirely .
17 One of the refugees who arrived from Hungary about the same time as Reichmann was Emmanuel Hollander , who would become his partner in numerous business ventures .
18 It would be a serious game rifle with considerably more punch than a target toy , a guaranteed killer of the same gauge as the 7.62mm NATO standard issue Service weapons with which Forester was already familiar .
19 A small amount of blood was later found on the trainers of the same group as Miss Brunton , he said .
20 Past experience of losses of the same nature as a current loss was found to reduce the person 's capacity to deal with the current loss .
21 The touching up had been well managed but elsewhere there remained a few patches of exposed metal requiring attention — just above the bumper on the front offside wing , inside the wheelarch of the same wing and around the radiator duct .
22 All we have is a process of trial and error which , essentially , consists in seeing how well a particular indicator correlates with other indicators of the same concept and with other indicators of concepts presumed to be related in some causal connection .
23 Accordingly , depending upon whether a bank holder of a bill of lading sued in the United States or in England he could get $500 instead of £100 for loss of the same package or unit of freight .
24 There they find all they need-food and water , protection from too much heat or too much cold , space to live in , a place to hide away from animals which might eat them , and a good chance of meeting other animals of the same kind as themselves so that they can reproduce .
25 the likelihood of the damage or of its being severe was due to characteristics of the animal which are not normally found in animals of the same species or are not normally so found except at particular times or in particular circumstances ; and
26 They do not want multiple entries of the same plan but an entry that goes beyond 16 games as a single column plan .
27 Bones ( 23/24 ) and the repeat of the same idea where the bone is the Pestle in the Pestle and Mortar ( 10 ) .
28 ( including taxes and the cost of accessories ) at the date the damage occurred and such loss or damage is insured under this Policy the Corporation will subject to the consent of the Policyholder and of any other interested party known to the Corporation replace it with a new motor car of the same manufacture and model subject to its being available in which event the Corporation shall become entitled to possession and ownership of the lost or damaged motor car .
29 One way would be to take the cost of buying a car of the same age and then trying to quantify the cost of running it throughout the notice period .
30 The Earl of Salisbury , director of government intelligence ( and chief minister of the realm ) , infiltrated and masterminded it as a timely and much-needed device to make permanent the rule of the same monarch and régime .
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