Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which it [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 When ‘ PURPLE ’ has yielded to some new variation on Silk Cut 's eternal thematics , and when the airline traveller with egg on his face has faded from the public consciousness on which it will have so briefly impinged , Magritte 's images will still be there , mysterious and self-sufficient .
2 There is no difficulty in explaining how a structure such as an eye or a feather contributes to survival and reproduction ; the difficulty is in thinking of a series of steps by which it could have arisen .
3 While the consortium had offered to put up £2,500 million in private capital the project would also have involved ERL taking over a £1,000 million government loan already allocated to BR to improve commuter services along the route , a further £400 million investment by BR ( in exchange for which it would have had a 50 per cent stake in commuter services along the route ) and a government " capital grant " of £500 million .
4 The 18 neighbours of an animal are the 18 different kinds of children that it can give rise to , and the 18 different kinds of parent from which it could have come , given the rules of our computer model .
5 I could not have conceived of any circumstances in which it would have been sensible for any particular political group to murder Gaitskell , and the likelihood that it was murder — in such an immensely complicated fashion — seemed to me at first blush fanciful and absurd .
6 With respect to Lloyd L.J. , when the creditor is content to leave it to the debtor to obtain the surety 's signature in circumstances in which it should have been aware that undue influence might come into play , it is not necessary to establish that the debtor was acting as agent for the bank .
7 Two centuries later , the Enlightenment returns : but not at all as a way for the West to take cognizance of its present possibilities and of the liberties to which it can have access , but as a way of interrogating it on its limits and on the powers which it has abused .
8 Those on board were aware that they were approaching the point at which it would have to swing east and head inevitably back to Europe .
9 Theodora was aware of an intimacy into which it would have been impossible to intrude .
10 Whether a single lift costing little more than half the balance lift is advisable or not can only be determined on working out the details of the site where it is required to be constructed and the conditions under which it would have to be worked .
11 In other words , the DTI had failed to understand fully its own legal powers with which it could have put pressure on Barlow Clowes .
12 Shortly after the 29th Division began landing , officers walked unmolested to the village of Krithia some 3km/2mls inland and to the 180m/600ft high summit of Achi Baba , commanding positions from which it would have been easy to repel any Turkish counter-attack .
13 It can not therefore have failed to become an important centre in its own right after the administrative changes introduced in the fourth century and it may have been promoted to the rank of civitas capital , although there is no evidence for the civitas over which it would have ruled .
14 But the evidence on which he should base his advice to me is the same evidence on which it would have been appropriate for me to form my own judgment .
15 But again I think it has been unfortunate er er that recently there have been a few cases in which it would have been better not to prosecute
16 The general safety requirement is encapsulated in s10(2) which provides : ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section consumer goods fail to comply with the general safety requirement if they are nor reasonably safe having regard to all the circumstances , including ( a ) the manner in which , and purposes for which , the goods are being or would be marketed , the get-up of the goods , the use of any mark in relation to the goods and any instructions or warnings which are given or would be given with respect to the keeping , use or consumption of the goods ; ( b ) any standards of safety published by any person either for goods of a description which applies to the goods in question or for matters relating to goods of that description ; and ( c ) the existence of any means by which it would have been reasonable ( taking into account the cost , likelihood and extent of any improvement ) for the goods to have been made safer .
17 The amount of rent charged would be a matter within the jurisdiction of the tribunal , a matter on which it would have the power to err .
18 This chapter has had the modest aim of explaining only the kind of way in which it must have happened .
19 The only way in which it could have been avoided was for de Gaulle to change his style of leadership .
20 This masterpiece lacks its head ; but if we look from the hawk-priestess to some marble heads of the later sixth century we see the beginning and end of the tradition in which it must have been made .
21 The universe would have started off with a period of exponential or " inflationary " expansion in which it would have increased its size by a very large factor .
22 The extent to which it could have been foreseen and thus pre-empted by a more alert administration , which tried to foresee coming trends , seems to be a matter of disagreement among prison administrators , critics and researchers in many jurisdictions .
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