Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which she [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Cordelia , like Coriolanus , is being forced into a ceremony in which she would have to be false to her own nature .
2 Maria turned clear eyes , golden-brown tonight , on Luke and said what needed to be said , eschewing preamble , cleverness and a host of other possible costumes in which she might have dressed it up .
3 In the case of a woman who elects not to pay the full National Insurance contribution the full National Insurance benefit to which she would have been entitled if she had not so elected is deducted from the sickness allowance .
4 Molly felt similarly safe , brought to this strange place about which she would have clearly so much to learn .
5 The last place to which she would have confided her secrets was this calendar diary .
6 How strange that from all the many places to which she might have been drafted , chance had come up with Ardneavie .
7 And she was well past the point at which she might have stopped her headlong dive into that dizzying state .
8 The balance has tipped too far in the other direction : instead of ignoring her sexuality , Christabel is now dominated by it , and so the creative process by which she should have been psychologically fulfilled has not worked .
9 Equally , the colours will draw the attention of a female to the presence of a male of the only kind with which she can have a fertile union .
10 Not at all the kind of surroundings in which she would have expected to find the high-profile , socially-very-much-in-demand Nathan Bryce .
11 Mr Bernard Staite , boss of the consortium who operate the loco , commented : ‘ From November No 4472 will embark on a year long tour of private railways after which she will have a major overhaul .
12 Or , of course , if she is muzzled , she may have been killed by other predators against which she would have had no defence .
13 The sanction imposed is real and effective since it satisfied all three conditions required by Community law ; it is adequate in relation to the damage sustained by the claimant , since the claimant is put in the position in which she would have been had the discriminatory refusal to hire her not occurred , both as concerns the post of employment and the income therefrom ; it has a real deterrent effect on the defendant bank who will not only have to pay the amount of about seven years ' monthly salary , plus interest , but will furthermore find itself with an additional employee ( the claimant and the man hired in her stead ) ; it is the same sanction as the one imposed for any other illegal refusal to hire .
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