Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which they [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 If the Government had listened to the police and taken prompt action on any of those warnings — action for which they could have secured all-party support — I have no doubt that some of this summer 's tragedies would have been avoided .
2 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
3 Cultural items are torn from their natural social context and lumped together , in the most arbitrary fashion , with similarly uprooted , and hence distorted , elements with which they may have no necessary connection .
4 Some 2.7 million people still live in affected areas--400,000 of them in areas made unfit for human habitation because of radiation levels or in areas from which they should have been moved .
5 By contrast in Kufra people did acknowledge circumstances in which they might have to unite with their enemies ; in 1978 they did in fact do so .
6 Nevertheless , on the other hand it was widely felt that the system itself denied young people opportunities and circumstances in which they could have control over their own lives and education .
7 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
8 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
9 Members also felt the constitution was counter-productive , especially when capital projects called for an injection of cash over which they would have no control , and which was seen as improving someone else 's investment .
10 Crown lands had been so much reduced in size that the most efficient management could not have increased their yield to the point at which they might have made any significant impact on royal finances .
11 This was held to be incorrect , but irrelevant ; incorrect , because a mere sense of alarm was insufficient to give rise to a fear of a breach of the peace , and irrelevant because the justices had found ( or there was evidence from which they could have found ) that the constables reasonably believed that the defendant 's own behaviour was likely to constitute a breach of the peace .
12 Furthermore , when dates are suggested for changes in these forms , they are usually given , without comment , as the dates at which the changes took place in this standard variety or its unilinear precursor , and not the dates at which they might have taken place in some other variety .
13 He was lowered down the main shaft and once underground tried to make his way to the area in which the missing men had been working or to any passageway in which they could have sought refuge .
14 Officers seemed to gain easier exemption from building regulations and from restrictions on landlordism ; their attempts to influence judges in cases in which they might have only an indirect interest were also reported , in private , by judges .
15 Suddenly , the division bells ring and the room empties , milords making their way to vote in a debate of which they may have heard not a word .
16 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
17 The elderly , unemployed , the less skilled , single-parent families , larger families are all concentrated in council tenure because it is the only form of tenure to which they may have easy access .
18 The shuttle had no on-board weaponry : not a single missile , not even a laser with which they might have tried to cut a way in .
19 However , it is by no means certain that either of the established parties would agree to change since they would be bidding away long-term electoral advantage in return for a short-term in office in a coalition government in which they might have only limited power .
20 Outside directors and company bosses disagreed most strongly over whether non-executives should help develop business strategy , and over the sort of decisions in which they should have the final say .
21 Can you with any of these characters , see stages at which they might have been rescued , and by what means .
22 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
23 I conclude that after a short interregnum , which they have richly deserved and when the full regime of paid helpers may be set up , they will revert to taking an active part in the physical care of the plaintiff as well in the mental care in which they will have remained ever present .
24 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
25 I would rely on Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev that the only possible way in which they could have reached the eminence they have today is through membership of the party .
26 Local authorities are to be held accountable for the effects of a financial system over which they will have even less control than the councils in England and Scotland .
27 Indeed , Opposition Members did nothing to clear up the uncertainties about the huge expenditure on which they would have to embark to renationalise these industries before messing them up again as they did in the 1970s when they were under national control .
28 The most obvious case is when a hoard includes both coins and other objects ; indeed it is only in these cases that the objects in question can be accurately dated ( or rather the date by which they must have been made can be accurately established ) .
29 Students have the opportunity to develop areas of interest with which they may have some familiarity from secondary education but they will also experience new attitudes , techniques , materials and concepts .
30 It is therefore most important that students of accounting and economics should see their tools and techniques within the organizational context in which they will have to be used .
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