Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [pers pn] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 By introducing a programme for the training of drawing teachers in 1871 , the school opened up a vocation to women : a vocation through which they could attempt to have more secure incomes .
2 If the Government had listened to the police and taken prompt action on any of those warnings — action for which they could have secured all-party support — I have no doubt that some of this summer 's tragedies would have been avoided .
3 To escape this branding of myself as a bodily failure , I longed to be able to attach myself to an organisation stronger than myself , an association through which I could derive a feeling of physical achievement and personal status I would not otherwise possess .
4 Gripping the hammer in one fist and propping the hatch up with her free hand , she crouched low so that she had about an inch gap through which she could see the back door .
5 If you succeed in finding another job , or already have one lined up at the time that you go , it may not be worth suing your employer because the losses for which you could claim reimbursement may be minimal .
6 The four leaders , Clyde Wells of Newfoundland and Labrador , Donald Cameron of Nova Scotia , Joe Ghiz of Prince Edward Island and Frank McKenna of New Brunswick , also discussed methods through which they could co-ordinate economic and fiscal strategies in their forthcoming budgets .
7 It should be made clear that the value of this information for consumers would be chiefly as a yardstick against which they could measure the rates offered to them by lenders of the same type , or for credit of the same type .
8 Without this , one can not begin to grasp the size and complexity of Charles ' achievements — such as the uncanny speed with which he could move troops across great distances .
9 Under the presiding genius of Roger , bishop of Salisbury , Henry 's most brilliant administrator — said to have been first chosen as chaplain by Henry ( whose tastes were different from the Confessor 's ) for the speed with which he could finish his mass — the English financial departments were achieving something of the efficiency and maturity of their Sicilian counterparts .
10 We reached an agreement with BOC under which it could provide the welding hardware that we would sell with our robots .
11 He once told Earl delightedly that he had spotted Abrams at an airport but Abrams ( perceptiveness not his strong suit ) had not spotted him , and that ‘ his tradecraft of observing was better than Elliott 's ’ Secret agents carried gadgets with which they could speak to headquarters from the most unlikely places ; once , at a party , North was said to have produced a scrambler-telephone from his briefcase , together with a half-eaten sandwich , and to have gone out into the garden to dial the house .
12 Financial institutions such as building societies , banks and insurance companies bought up estate agents to build national networks of offices in which they could sell housing-related financial services .
13 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
14 The two were now inside the grille together and Mena Iskander had been given strict instructions to try to secure Miss Postlethwaite a seat from which she could see Zoser clearly and if possible his wife as well .
15 I would begin Spanish now just to reassure myself that I expected a future in which I could pick up past threads .
16 Ed Zschau , chief executive of IBM Corp 's AdStar subsidiary , says the company plans to become known as a consumer products company as well as the leader in commercial storage products , and would pursue all of the market opportunities in which it could offer unique products ; he says AdStar aims to become the lowest cost producer in the industry , taking advantage of its technology , scale and commitment to quality ; speaking at the product launch in San Jose , he said that AdStar would also become known , more than it is today , as a software company ; it expects to have personal computer-oriented products in the retail market before the end of the year .
17 Many schools of thought flourished , each within its own professional environment , while others withered away , unable to find a niche within which they could develop .
18 Johnson , however , fully aware of the likely number of biographers he might attract before and after his death , found here a biography in which he could have a say , thus not only securing his immortality , but controlling it .
19 In McNeile 's there were no changing rooms or showers , only foot baths in which we could wash after games , and only two baths and five lavatories for forty-seven of us .
20 We put in a new sink and Malcolm bought us a Baby Belling cooker , one electric ring on which we could heat a an of beans very , very slowly .
21 We gave them two addresses to which they could write in case we did not return and told them where our more precious belongings were .
22 Perhaps , too , he may have believed that once the gloss on my love affair dimmed , his money would act as a reminder of the comforts to which I could return .
23 He was a Stradivarius among performers ; a perfect instrument on which you could play anything .
24 Keeping the pace firmly to a speed at which he could consider his answers , he relaxed as the hour passed , even smiled .
25 It even had a creaking dock at which we could tie up directly alongside .
26 There is no difficulty in explaining how a structure such as an eye or a feather contributes to survival and reproduction ; the difficulty is in thinking of a series of steps by which it could have arisen .
27 The gospels do not furnish us with the materials for a modern-style biography , nor do they give us a window into Jesus ' mind by which we could peer into his inmost soul .
28 Since the lawmakers were mostly of the creditor class , their attitude was to retain a statute by which they could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtor and his detention at their will .
29 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
30 Managers and engineers could not help but admire the assiduity and skill with which he could wear down his opponents in discussion , but for many of them this approach conflicted with other managerial values .
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