Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of brushing your hair after setting which can cause splitting , gently run your fingers through it to create tousled waves .
2 It is not possible for those who are weak to apply this soul force for it makes great demands on those who would use it .
3 The force of it lifted Golden Girl 's stern and for a moment Trent feared that she would bury her bows in the sea and pitch-pole .
4 It was an indication of It facing both ways , torn between a youth culture stumbling around politics and the embers of 1967 .
5 That state was called the In Ovo , and on the other side of it lay four worlds , the so-called Reconciled Dominions .
6 The view that certain types of fiction occupy a mediatory position between the ‘ reality ’ of a cultural heritage and contemporary ‘ true ’ accounts of it elevates these texts to a status which the novel has not held for quite some time .
7 Part of it includes two bypasses north of Oxford .
8 Behind Hurd 's selection of a specific group of Arab states is the assumption that the Arab world as a whole can be ignored , since only part of it has any role to play in security in future .
9 This has to be the most awesome wall around , so get down there and get cranking — be warned though , within four hours of it opening four people had damaged their tendons : remember always to warm up first !
10 However , the non-markers again included the three informants who read very little science fiction , and the fact that the phrase occurs towards the end of the passage suggests that readers have become accustomed to the science fictional discourse model to the extent that elements of it display diminishing values of foregrounding .
11 This is an absolute necessity and to work in defiance of it means total failure .
12 William Troy in the Nation was similarly unable to find the right words to explain the greatness of It Happened One Night and he suggested that ‘ a good photoplay , like a good book or a good piece of music , remains always something of a miracle ’ and that ‘ beyond a certain point the mind is forced to bow down before its own inability to unravel and put together again all the parts of the shining and imponderable whole with which it is dealing ’ .
13 So , if you would be so kind as to get into a position where you can see what I 'm doing without being too close it means that if we do splash any acid by accident er the likelihood of it causing any problems to anyone are minimal .
14 There was no need for it to re-cover old ground .
15 The predominant over-view in this Department was that Television held a special kind of mystique ; that writing and producing drama for it demanded special levels of skill which were to be somewhere between the scopes of the Theatre and the Cinema .
16 Since the perestroika process began , the Soviet economy has followed a steady course downwards , and there seems no prospect at the moment of it reversing that process .
17 On the one hand , the local situation and knowledge about it encouraged some people to retire at the same time as they were made redundant .
18 This is a fairly obvious gloss of Maltz and Borker 's discussion of Goodwin 's findings on directives , but the Glamour presentation of it does two things the linguists do not do , or at least not to anything like the same extent .
19 He declined to speculate on dates , except to say that he saw no sign of it happening next year ( 1992 ) ; there was too much backlog to be mopped up .
20 He ran a shrewd brown eye over the formidable ramifications of Isambard 's favourite castle , and speculated on which of the stony holes under it held young Harry .
21 The board considered that although the investigation ordered by the Chief Executive on 18 October 1990 is not yet complete the imposition of the restrictions referred to above is necessary in the interests of investors given the evidence before it highlighting serious deficiencies in Norwich Union 's internal systems for monitoring the performance of the Winchester Group and in particular ensuring that the Winchester Group complied with the Code of Conduct .
22 What was the object , I know we discussed it at great length , but what was the object of it going that way in the first place ?
23 The Dialogue is one of the pieces Purcell included in the Guildhall songbook : he seems to have compiled this manuscript for his young lady singing pupils , and several of the items in it show similar signs of revision and re-working .
24 The other types of symbols are equally internalized by society 's members , and as this is not part of Freud 's theory , Parsons suggests modifications to it to incorporate these types of symbols also .
25 But if I 'm moving around slightly like this and you 're having to follow with your eyes as I 'm making my presentation it brings variety to it brings that bit of variety like you said earlier that it brings some interest to it .
26 Nelson 's detailed account is well worth close scrutiny for it illustrates many aspects of socio-ecology most cogently .
27 Because the government abandoned any formal incomes policy there was less call for it to maintain close relations with union leaders .
28 Not one word of it made any sense at all to him .
29 Moddy Dhu was the PHANTOM dog of the Isle of Man , and the sight of it caused immediate death .
30 % ( hatching ) : connects string of specified x , y coordinates defining the outline of a polygon and hatches inside it using specified line spacing and angle .
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